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Blogsthe notional interest at heart...
Vested interests and the subversion of the public interest.
the sad politics of an unfair despicable olympic organisation
The Olympics are now the summit of political games, sponsorship favourism, secrecy and drugs, including those that WADA is not looking for. It is a compliment to the Australian team to manage to swim in these murky waters without spitting turds... except one winner taunted a Chinese as a former drug cheat. Not on mate. Sledging is a cricket sport appendage...
the clinton you have when you really don't want a clinton...
thank you bill leak...Now that I have your attention, let's talk turkey. This cartoon by Bill Leak showing P J O'Rourke loosing his trousers is of course based on a funny FAMOUS cartoon by Stan Cross. Stan Cross, an English/American/Australian artist would be horrified. But this is another story. Stan Cross was not a right wing ratbag like Bill Leak. Apart from cartooning, including the first Potts comic strip in 1920, Cross also wrote books on accountancy, economics and English grammar— and treatises on soil conservation. Gus modified the cartoon to suit...
pulling the lever on candidates... a lever to a trap door would be good...Michael J. Morell was the acting director and deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2010 to 2013. He tells us:
please salute...Sponsorship in the USA has reached an unprecedented level. There are presently talks of naming entire schools after the sponsor of the canteen or the gymnasium, just to get more cash... This is designed to teach kids that everything is for sale, including their soul and integrity. Yoohoo...
idiots...I don't care if these idiots are racists, xenophobes, have a gun in their trousers or are nazis. But I really wish that these idiots stopped blaming the United Nation for wanting to create a "World Government" by inventing the concept of global warming.
a great cartoon by Zanetti...published with Zanetti's permission.
please explain banking...
full-on US bad will...The situation in Syria demands some careful attention, especially in regard to the US interventionist fucups in Libya (above), Iraq and even as far back as Kosovo, which now is a hotbed of ISIS sympathisers. It seems the US has a master plan: destroy some Arabic countries, steal the oil while letting everyone fight each other and let the Saudis take over to mop up.
sad melbourne — no longer the satire capital of australia...
doing everything wrong... except for the right christians...obnoxious
the challenges of self-actualisation ...We are not a fragile or frightful people. President Obama said this last week at the Democratic National Convention. And while I want to believe it's true, what I see us doing instead is scaring ourselves to death.
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