Friday 24th of January 2025


desperate & dateless ...

desperate & dateless ...

There are many reasons for the current woes facing the government but, considering their habit of rewarding incompetence, it is hardly surprising.

arguments, agreements and conspiracies...



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aladdin's lamp...



In November 2015, a cartoon in Al-Ahram, an Egyptian state-owned newspaper, depicted an Islamic State ogre with “Made in America” emblazoned on his back. It wasn’t unusual. A look at Middle Eastern news media shows that this idea is startlingly common. Even prominent officials in the region, from Egypt’s former culture minister to a former deputy prime minister of Iraq, have publicly ventured conspiracy theories that Washington created the Islamic State.



I have been trying to place a date on this very funny cartoon, published say between 1960 and 1980 in The New Yorker... 

and they can't swim either...



Australia has a population of just under 50 people, according to last night's census figures. It represents a fall from the 22 million measured in the 2011 census.

The snapshot of the nation showed that almost one in five of all Australians now live in a share-house in Coppin Street, in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond. The flatmates, who moved into the property last week, are still waiting for their internet to get connected.

read more:





The Australian Bureau of Statistics says it believes a series of hacking attacks which led to the census website being shut down last night were part of a deliberate attempt to sabotage the national survey.

Census- You can't Count On Me

(To the tune of the Bruno Mars Song)

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