Sunday 2nd of February 2025


the CIA at work with dirty tricks...


Rod Dreher still believes in fairies. He is caught between his love of Trump and his love of the constitution which says nothing about having to impeach Trump for being a swamp creature...


There will be a lot of energy spent by commentators about the value and reasons to impeach Trump until the next elections — and no matter what, this is what Trump wants: distract the punters by flying close to the sun. He won't be impeached, even if he should. Meanwhile Joe Biden will sink as the truth is revealed about his son — all without damaging the previous efforts of the USA to shift the allegiance of Ukraine from Russia to that of the "free world", by sponsoring the Ukrainian Nazis...


Here is Rod:


mister bean investigates global warming...


With global warming, how do we find and convey the truth, or is the truth still hidden, is it staring us in the face — or are we totally wrong one way or the other?

return to russia...

guilty because...

By Tony Kevin

This presentation updates a talk I gave to ISAA just over two years ago, in August 2017, on the topic, ‘Western policy on Putin and a resurgent Russia’.

god's empty nests...


The tables have gone. The refectory is empty. It's a beautiful empty nest of god... now visited by dilettante tourists on a schedule and cinematographers...


alan jones' little brain cannot understand that global warming is real and anthropogenic...


I would like to remind Jones that a square is a polygon with 4 sides. A circle is a polygon with an infinite number of sides — and that is the way that Pi has first been calculated (extrapolated by increasing the numbers of sides). But enough of splitting hairs into mathematical functions. Global warming is a very serious issue and only dumb Lords who try to pass as scientists and idiots are questioning the observations. 


This from Amanda Meade:

he had no pencil either...


Barnaby Joyce hasn’t prepared a single report on the drought despite having been appointed the nation’s special drought envoy more than a year ago.

I climbed over the fence, but I was still in the world...


The newspaper comic strip section is a particularly and peculiarly American institution. I can’t deny that, being British, when I open the special Sunday edition comic pull-out—six pages’ worth, and all in color!—I feel a twinge of self-consciousness.

scummo is a sunday christian, a monday sinner, a tuesday insulting guy, a wednesday ignorant, a thursday idiot, a friday liar...

how fucked is fucked is that...

Farmers struggling to cope with the drought are desperate for rain, but in northern New South Wales they have instead been hit by a severe hailstorm, which has wiped out a number of crops. 

painting a blue room in a sinking house on a beaut day...


Today, I am confused. Is it because I had a late late dream in which I was repainting the interior of one of "my" (only in my dream) properties in Palm Beach with the brightest electric blue, carefully delineating the several hundred fuse boxes to be installed at random, after having flooded the ocean by lifting an elastic band attached to a measuring stick? 

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