Wednesday 22nd of January 2025


the bus timetable to heaven...

xi   Apparently, Xi Jinping and his Chinese Communist Party have declared war on transcendenceNot the first ruler to do this mind you. Transcendence has been a spiritual plague on the monkeys since they fell like sun-cooked avocados on the grass-plains and multiplied like rabbits.

Running With The Sheep

Some people pray
that death is a cabaret
Other folks reckon
that life is an abattoir
On the same bus
we ride without reason
running with the sheep
wishing on a star

CH: Running with the sheep
searching together
hoping to find
sunnier weather
Running with the sheep
wishing on a star
A door's not a door
when it's still ajar

the game is rigged... we know...


Let’s not beat around the bush. The game is rigged. The fix is in.

the scientific panic guarantee... not the coalonavirus...

not the coalonavirus

A second plane load of Australian coronavirus evacuees from Wuhan will be quarantined at an unused mining camp near Darwin.

where's the money?...

scott washing-machineson...

Liberal party claims declaration of a $165k donation by Morrison ally was a mistake

Exclusive: Scott Briggs, bidding for the visa privatisation contract, denies claims he made the donation through the company Southern Strategy.

sorry, amish, science cannot be decided by a democratic vote... you know this of course...


Q&A did not disappoint the punters... The new presenter, Amish McDonald seems to have taken a controversial point of view when asking a question:


Clearly there are a lot of Australians that are happy with the policy settings that may agree with Jim Molan’s scepticism, open-mindedness, about the science. Are you saying to all of them that their brains have fallen out?


Yes, This is what we're saying... including the brains of the Murdoch media.



Bye Bye Bridget

Pack up all my bats and balls
Conflict of disclosure calls
Bye bye Bridget
ScoMo's not a happy chap
doesn't like this kind of crap

The Woolworths Warrior

His shirt is pressed-and-crispy white
his back is straight, his spinchter tight
He marches the length of his domain
from Aldi to Woolies and back again

If felons come, he'll catch them all
with luck, some terrorists might call
Battle plans and gunfire sound in his brain
from Aldi to Woolies and back again

He didn't make the Army, couldn't be a cop
so here his wartime career will stop
Waiting to be wanted, he marches in vain
from Aldi to Woolies and back again

Scomo was bullshitting with brio at the wednesday press club...

lookieThe Prime Minister has sought to distance his office from a scandal-plagued sports grants program threatening the political future of a senior minister.

the deal of the century...


US President Donald Trump has presented his long-awaited Middle East peace plan, promising to keep Jerusalem as Israel's undivided capital.

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