Wednesday 22nd of January 2025


the miracle of the multiplying pigs in barrels parable as performed by scott morrison...


Former sports minister Bridget McKenzie has rejected suggestions she changed a list of sporting clubs earmarked for Commonwealth funding after Parliament was dissolved for the 2019 election, and the Federal Government was placed into caretaker mode.

media froth and COVID-19...


The coronavirus has had a variety of effect on politics and media around the globe. 

the source of our economic troubles: blame bill clinton, ronald reagan, obama, bush senior and junior...


As Aussies panic and buy huge stock of toilet paper rolls to protect themselves from the coronavirus, we have to ask a few questions...


... saved by the canadians...

ice wine

"Man vastly overestimates his power if he thinks he can, with CO2 emissions, destroy the climate", she postulated.

pollution reduction...

pollution reduction...

Factory activity in China fell at a record rate in February, as manufacturers closed their operations to contain the spread of coronavirus.

The country's official measure of manufacturing activity - the Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI) - dropped to 35.7 from 50 in January.

the statue of liberty... and justice US/UK style...

liberty   Thursday, February 27, Woolwich Crown Court. The first round of extradition hearings regarding Julian Assange’s case concluded a day early, to recommence on May 18th.

It ended on an insensible note very much in keeping with the woolly-headed reasoning of Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who is of the view that a WikiLeaks publisher in a cage does not put all heaven in a rage.

the sins of western democracy...

sins   The persecution of Julian Assange is one of those breakthrough moments when suddenly people realise that almost everything they have been told to believe is not true.

god made us in his image...

preaching to the...   Australia is a secular society, but there's a religious claim that forms part of the foundation of its liberal democratic values: That all people, regardless of circumstance, have intrinsic value. Judaism and Christianity claim every person is "made in the image of God", but what does this mean in practise?


on the roadmap with angus, the belching cow...


The Morrison government will on Friday signal plans to shift investment from wind and solar to hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, lithium and advanced livestock feed supplements, as part of a “bottom up” strategy to reduce emissions by 2050.

The Time Of Your Wife

As I roved out on a Monday Night
a-running from my wife
I tried to find a place to hide
and not get into strife
but Adelaide on Monday Night
has only bars with pokies
or, if you're really lucky
quiz nights and karaokes



The Federal Government has extended its coronavirus travel ban for another week amid fears a COVID-19 global pandemic will soon be declared.

potato mash...

potato    After facing sustained criticism from Labor about applying false equivalence in the national security debate, Dutton declared on Tuesday afternoon he didn’t want to get bogged down in a “semantic and nonsense debate”.

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