Tuesday 11th of March 2025


dangerous spirits .....

dangerous spirits .....

But if he is unworried about God getting a foot in the Royal Society's door, many other fellows find recent developments troubling. 

schonkie bros .....

schonkie bros .....

from Crikey ….. 

dead-end for lehman bros: what the pundits say ….. 

la bella bishop .....

la bella bishop .....

Belated applause for a stand up comic... 

I laugh sometimes at the SUPERB hypocritical aplomb of the Liberal Party's personnel....  

malignancy .....

malignant .....

While Alaska Governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is getting all the attention, the current vice president, Dick Cheney, was able to pontificate about Russia and Georgia with barely any notice from the media. 

liar, liar .....

liar, liar .....

courtesy of the Progressive Daily Beacon 

Palin appointed unqualified friends to high-paying government jobs, said scientists claimed global warming didn't threaten polar bears—emails prove she lied 

a murderous theater of the absurd .....

a murderous theater of the absurd .....

September 11, 2008

Try to laugh, please. The news is now officially parody and a game for all the family to play. 

all amerikan psychos .....

all amerikan psychos .....

It does not diminish Freddoso’s accomplishment to say that The Case Against Barack Obama is a perfect companion to Reason editor Matt Welch’s anti-McCain book, McCain: The Myth of a Maverick.  

terrorism, amerikan style .....

terrorism, amerikan style .....

from Crikey ….. 

Jeff Sparrow, editor of Overland writes: 

illusion vs allusion .....

illusion vs allusion .....

Senators John McCain and Barack Obama are confronting a sharply abbreviated general election campaign season, the product of the late nominating conventions and a boom in early voting in tightly contested states.

This shortened timetable is forcing both campaigns to recalibrate the pace of television advertisements, accelerate voter turnout operations and tailor the candidates’ travelling schedules to accommodate states where voting is imminent. 

stupid is as stupid does .....

stupid is as stupid does .....

Americans used to have a love affair with intelligence. Parents and their parents and their parent's parents worked hard to provide funding for schools that ensured all children received the best possible education.

Reading a book was considered important. Writing skill meant something. The ability to comprehend math was considered vital.  

the old hadron collider trick .....

the old hadron collider trick .....

For scientists, today is D-day: the long-awaited moment when they fire the first sub-atomic particles round the world's largest particle accelerator in search of the keys to the cosmos.  

the illusion of substance .....

the illusion of substance .....

from Crikey ….. 

Canberra correspondent Bernard Keane writes: 

That hissing sound is the Peter Costello bubble deflating. 

good riddance .....

good riddance .....

Former NSW planning minister Frank Sartor says he feels cheated, claiming Premier Nathan Rees has made a mistake in dropping him from the front bench. 

the challenges of high office .....

the challenges of high office .....

The new Premier Nathan Rees has made a guarantee to the people of NSW - he will work every waking hour between now and the next election to give taxpayers the standard of services they deserve. 

At a media conference after being sworn in as NSW Premier after the sudden departure of Morris Iemma today, he agreed that he was short on parliamentary experience but said that he brought a lot of life experience to the job. 

power failure .....

power failure .....

Outgoing New South Wales premier Morris Iemma has announced he is leaving politics altogether. 

At a press conference to explain his reasons for leaving his position as premier, he said he was also resigning as member for Lakemba to concentrate on being a husband and father. 

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