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John Richardson's blogbig bananas .....
When the Honduran military overthrew the democratically elected government of Manuel Zelaya two weeks ago, there might have been a sigh of relief in the corporate boardrooms of Chiquita. Earlier this year, the Cincinnati-based fruit company joined Dole in criticizing the government in Tegucigalpa that had raised the minimum wage by 60%.
the enthusiastic war bride .....
Most libertarians agree that the American government is colossal, oppressive and a slayer of freedom and liberty. There are certainly domestic influences and causes for the enormous growth in the statist tilt of American governance and concentration of power.
blue sky burning .....
It's hard not to feel sorry for this giant, iconic mammal. So trusting! So vulnerable! So easily harpooned! If you listen closely, the traces of the threatened behemoth's famous eerie song are still audible. But the hunters care nothing, as they draw alongside with their cruel barbs. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, and the hunters have no mercy. I write, of course, of the brutal, thriving industry that is the modern Garrett hunt. Was ever a politician easier to skewer?
"aussie tony" & the value of a reputation .....
Glenys Kinnock has done her old friend Tony Blair no favours by announcing he is ready to stand as President of Europe and has Gordon Brown's backing. The 'Stop Blair' campaign in both Britain and Europe will now move into top gear.
the big bowser .....
the great leader .....
from Crikey ..... Turnbull's leadership is clawing back to terminal Canberra correspondent Bernard Keane writes:
from the dark side .....
If this were the democracy that the Founding Fathers thought they were creating, word from CIA Director Leon Panetta that his agency had lied to Congress and specifically that it had lied repeatedly from 9-11-2001 through the end of 2008 concerning an as-yet undisclosed secret program, would have virtually every member of Congress in a state of rebellion, demanding answers. After all, the CIA is required by law to report to at least the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and to the majority and minority leaders of both houses of Congress about such things.
a perilous path to perdition .....
Days after the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was greeted in Israel and thanked for having been "alone in sticking by us" during Operation Cast Lead, the attack on the Gaza Strip in December and January, the Jewish state added piracy to its list of recent crimes against international law. The two developments are connected, and not just by coincidence of timing.
collapsing into opportunism .....
from Crikey ..... Rundle: So the businessman's worth saving -- but not the bogan? Guy Rundle writes:
the italian job .....
from Crikey ..... Vanstone and Gus the Weimaraner invite Rudd to a sleep over Barry Everingham writes: With the imminent arrival of Kevin Rudd to Rome, Crikey understands that current Ambassador to Italy Amanda Vanstone actually invited the Prime Minister to stay at the Embassy with her (and Gus the dog of course). This in itself isn't unusual. Ambassadors of the day who happen to be mates with the Prime Minister could certainly count on their friend sleeping over -- but in this case it's not going to happen.
"aussie tony" & the value of legacies .....
British weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly was writing an expose about his work with anthrax and his warnings that Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction at the time of his death in July 2003, according to a report published in a British newspaper.
unmasking the face of greed .....
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission on Tuesday will announce that it'll begin publishing how much hedge funds and other big financial firms are trading in oil and other commodities, with an eye toward curbing what critics say is speculation that pushes prices up. The CFTC currently publishes weekly data that lumps some of the big financial firms' transactions in with those done by so-called commercial users, airlines, refiners and others who actually use the oil. Critics argue that leaves regulators and the public unaware of how much oil prices are being influenced by speculation.
identity vs equity .....
The statement of Nicholas Sarcozy that Burqa is not welcome in France, that it is a symbol of oppression and not of religion has raised serious debate all over. It is France again where five years ago the display of religious markers, head scarf, Sikh turban, and Jewish skull cap in schools was banned. Public servants cannot use the same in place of work.
the banksta gang strikes again .....
from Crikey ..... How banks and advisors raided retirees' nest eggs during GFC Glenn Dyer writes: Australia's banks, fund managers, investment banks and other "advisors" appear to have staged a massive legal raid on the nest eggs of investors and retirees over the past year, extracting billions of dollars from companies and their small shareholders through a deluge of discounted placements and quasi-rights issues.
manifest destiny .....
Acclaimed historian Howard Zinn told Truthout: "The Mexican War, presented as something we were doing because Mexicans had fired on our soldiers ... no, we were going to Mexico because we wanted to take forty percent of Mexican land. California, Arizona, Nevada ... all of that beautiful land in the Southwest that was all Mexico. I'll bet there are very few Americans today who live in that area and know that it belonged to Mexico. Or they may ask, how come all these names? How come Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa, Santa Ana, how come?"
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