Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

last hurrahs .....

last hurrahs .....


‘As Tony Blair flies out to meet George Bush, the latest admission of failure in Iraq has made the two leaders appear even more isolated.’

Iraq: One By One, They Tell The Truth

and talking of smelly fish .....

and talking of smelly fish .....


from somewhere in the ether …..

Greens criticise Navy engagement rules for illegal fishers

The Greens have raised concerns for the safety of illegal fishermen operating in Australian waters following a Federal Government move to allow the Navy to fire on illegal boats.

peddling flake .....

peddling flake .....



an opinion piece in the Sydney morning herald by federal Health Minister & purveyor of smelly fish, Tony Abbott …..

‘Australians are fair-minded people and for a few months will give Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard a chance to prove themselves. Whether they will ultimately warm to this odd couple flung together by ambition and the main chance is open to doubt.

dysfunctional silos .....

functional silos .....


from our ABC ….

AWB plan 'not a permanent solution'

The US wheat industry has rejected AWB's plan to split the company into two separate businesses.

US Wheat Associates claims the AWB split into a grower-owned operator controlling exports and a commercial agribusiness firm does not get rid of the single desk monopoly targeted by the US.

prime munster material .....

prime munster material .....

a fairy tell ending .....

fractured fairytales .....

Government cleared in AWB probe

The Cole inquiry report has cleared the Federal Government but recommends a joint task force of legal authorities investigate whether charges should be laid against 11 people associated with wheat exporter AWB for breaching United Nations sanctions against Iraq.

the flying kangawu .....

from the pulpit of the hypocritical one-eyed god .....

from the land of the great deludererarians …..

                            charity begins at home .....


meltdown .....

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