Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

still turdying...

still turdying...


if you don't know why your country is at war, forget "democracy" and "freedom". think petrodollar...


China and Russia have already ditched the US dollar in their vast energy trade. Now China is leveraging Saudi Arabia to also abandon the greenback for oil sales. No wonder, it seems, that US policies are increasingly lashing out.


europe awakening...


strasbourg europe parliament


time for the USA to stop the bullshit...


MOSCOW (Sputnik)  The report of the CSR also focuses on a number of other issues dedicated to Russia's relations with other states both with the European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Middle Eastern countries.



feeding the chooks...



Last Friday, CNN sent a man with colored pencils into the West Wing of the White House to cover the news.

fake trump, fake donald, fake cover, fake news on all fronts...



Time Magazine has asked the Trump organisation to take down any framed copies of a fake cover featuring Donald Trump, which have been prominently displayed in at least five of the US President's golf clubs.

planet data...

peasants on planet data

Protecting the next by securing the past...





Factional tensions have flared within the Liberal Party after comments from senior frontbencher Christopher Pyne were leaked and reported.

kids will be kids... and hanson will be an idiot... time to send her back to potty training...


hansonite dunny

By Ben Pobjie

It has been clear for some time that children today are soft.

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