Sunday 12th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

the nuts and boltons are taking over the world...


Bolton has advocated using military force against Iran and North Korea and has taken a hard line against Russia.

Trump announced the switch in a tweet, writing that he was “thankful for the service of General HR McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will remain my friend”.

all the way to the bank...


The incoming chief of the Commonwealth Bank is expecting such an uncomfortable and confronting week at the royal commission he has written an email warning 14,000 of his retail staff to prepare.

the white supremacist...


South Africa has demanded Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton retract his comments that the country's white farmers are being "persecuted" and deserve protection with special visas from a "civilised country".

of faith, baroque and chaos...


Martin Luther in Dresden (picture from a mate)

the "rooting" cheer squad...

ivanka saudis

The shameful spinning for the Saudis doesn’t stop. Here’s John Bradley in The Spectator touting Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) as the “real deal”:

more coneheads...

more coneheads

This revelation explains why the Australian Government has been stunned by Mr Trump's declaration last week that the tariff regime will be enforced, and subsequent statements by Mr Ross that country-specific exemptions are unlikely.

the whitewash of a whiteboard...


In today's Telemurdocrap sheet of a glorious Sunday, the 4th of March, 2018, Miranda Devine is talking about our absurd political culture and how a whiteboard became a celebrity... No, she's not talking about Turdy Yabbott as she usually praises Him as lord and master on most occasions, but to damn him for the job he and his Christian mates did on "poor" Michaelia Cash. As Miranda says:

still warming despite the european beast from the east...


As Europe is in the grip of a major cold snap, one denialist could trimphantly claim the demise of global warming...

Far from it. Global warming is not about singular local events but about the sum-total of energies in the atmosphere. It will take a while to get the full picture as deciphered at all levels of the atmosphere, by the powerful computers of the various global warming scientific investigators.



The deluded male creationist believer versus the Catholic female wisecracker… Sounds like a stupid idea and it is — but he started it.

First, Josephine Victoria "Joy" Behar is a "Catholic" American comedienne, writer, and actress. She co-hosts the ABC daytime talk show The View. She talks a lot of funny crap while making wisecracks that would make a nunnery self-combust…

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