Sunday 12th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

master alchemists...


In January 2018, During the Prime Minister’s Japan visit, the following was reported:

new bugs in the system...


Yet again, the spectre of “bugs” in the system haunts us. 

vive la pax napoleonica!...


French President Emmanuel Macron said that the US-led strike on Syria was legitimate, but "history will judge" whether the operation was justified. He added that neither France nor its allies are at war with the country.

completely dickies...


evidence of presidential lunacy... unless it's cunning in disguise...

half and half

James Mattis, the US defense secretary, has said Washington is still looking for evidence on who carried out Saturday’s chemical weapons attack in Damascus and said his main concern about a military response was how to stop it “escalating out of control”.




democracy in the sickness bay...


media spray

The Western liberal order is not in crisis because of Russian disinformation campaigns and electoral interference. Western democracies must take responsibility for a crisis that, ultimately, is homegrown – nurtured by its leaders’ own failure to confront effectively the challenges of globalization.


selling chopsticks to the chinese...


A Chinese embassy spokesman has said the idea that China is planning to establish a military base in Vanuatu is “ridiculous”.

the same australian shit...

30th poll

Barnaby Joyce, a National, hasn't a vote for the Liberal leadership. But he's a man of opinions and now he's on the backbench there are no restraints on his expressing them.

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