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Gus Leonisky's blogthe beauty of life's patterns...
One can only be amazed at the 3D rendering (2D on these images) of complex molecules such as proteins and DNA. Presently one can see these amazing atom-precise representations of the spikes of Covid-19. This precision is mostly obtained through crystallography.
And computers.
Crystallography provides specific exclusive patterns of molecules (crystallised) that are now processed by computers. Before such, it took many days and weeks to compute the structures that had been studied. As well super X-ray machines that would kill you in an instant are used.
The whole thing started with Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen who discovered the x-rays. His first image showed that these rays could penetrate through matter.
CIA assassination inc
The essential point of assassination is the death of the subject. A human being may be killed in many ways but sureness is often overlooked by those who may be emotionally unstrung by the seriousness of this act they intend to commit.
the brilliance of the jews...
Many brilliant minds of the Enlightenment and thereafter were Jewish. They were so, not in the religious sense, but in analytical curiosity and political adventurism. One could ask why so. The clever Arabs, including their mathematicians, had congealed their sense of invention into a major belief, Islam, that arrested much investigation of reality.
Most of the Muslim world is still caught in this warped view of things, despite some bright minds amongst Muslim Arabs, they are constrained/restrained by a strong unavoidable belief in Allah, imposed by the state through fear of physical punishment or death… The Christians had leaped ahead with some hubris and wars in order to maintain control, but they lacked the extra flair to make things work, beyond a few philosophical neuroses. The Jews came to help.
dutts to the rescue?...
Supporters of Peter Dutton in his failed 2018 tilt at the Liberal leadership believe he is the government’s only hope of saving the furniture at the looming election. A common view is that “Dutts”, as they call him, could save seats in his home state of Queensland and help stem the bleeding to the right on issues of vaccine mandates and religious freedom elsewhere. The view has support outside the parliamentary Liberal Party. One of Australia’s leading conservative commentators, Andrew Bolt, used his popular News Corp column on Monday to urge: “Peter Dutton, get ready to lead”. Bolt wrote the Prime Minister Scott Morrison “looks finished and is now making a fool of himself to get some love”.
the rising sun flag seeks our help against the tiger...
In Australia we like to believe that the US Pacific Fleet saved us from Japanese attack in 1942-1944, but that is only partly true. According to Japanese war history expert, Moteki Hiromichi, it is also true that but for a mistake in Japan’s wartime strategy the US Pacific Fleet would not been there or needed to save us. And we have to thank China for forcing Japan into making that mistaken change in strategy.
Moteki is the acting chairman of Japan’s doggedly revanchist Society for Dissemination of Historical Fact.
the long table talk...
Crucial personal talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron have begun in Moscow on Monday evening, with the latter suggesting they work out a solution that “helps to avoid war” in Europe. The high-profile Kremlin negotiations have centered on the ongoing standoff between Moscow and the West over Ukraine. In his opening speech, Macron said he was seeking to find a solution mutually beneficial for all of Europe, stressing that at stake was not just the security of Ukraine itself, but that of the continent as a whole.
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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bob says...
Former Labor foreign affairs minister Bob Carr has doubled down on his allegations that Peter Dutton is behind the leaking of explosive texts about the Prime Minister. The Defence Minister described Mr Carr’s claims as “baseless” on Sunday night – after he tweeted an accusation that Mr Dutton was the serving Liberal cabinet member behind the leak of messages blasting Scott Morrison as a “complete psycho”. “Bob Carr’s tweet is baseless, untrue and should be deleted,” Mr Dutton tweeted a little over an hour after the allegation was made.
mismanagement of old people...
The death rate from Omicron in the elderly is staggering. And these are not “good deaths” whereby these elderly are surrounded by their loved ones. How a society cares for and protects its most vulnerable – for example its frail aged, those experiencing violent relationships, prisoners and refugees – speaks to the heart of its government, both those elected and the policymakers of the public service who advise those elected. As a nurse, mother and voter, I can no longer contain my rage at the lack of public acknowledgement of the personhoods of those who have died prematurely as a result of mismanagement of a known disease. These are iatrogenic deaths, death caused by healthcare treatment or the lack thereof.
freedom to be dinosaurs again...
CANBERRA: Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Craig Kelly, announced today the party’s shadow finance team would deliver prosperity and a debt-free future for Australia.
holding a hose....![]() Thousands of aged-care residents likely went without a shower today. Reports from the COVID-raged sector continue to be devastating, with unprecedented staff absenteeism meaning residents are going without adequate meals and basic care, such as having wounds dressed or soiled incontinence pads changed.
impartial about the imperial empire...
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) describes itself as “the most trusted broadcaster in the world.” That's quite a confident assertion to make about oneself. At first glance, such a label may seem appropriate to some. The BBC is, at least objectively speaking, a pioneering institution that shaped the world of modern reporting from the early 20th century onwards. It represents a style that is both authentic and classic, embodied by that formal British accent that is a hallmark of its reporting.
camilla of aussieland...
The Queen has said she wants Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, to be known as Queen Consort when Prince Charles becomes King.
a churchillian dilemma...
I could be mistaken... It appears that Stan Grant is batting for the "empire"... Methinks Stan is reading the script upside down... Stan? History does not start in a week's time but it started a long way back... with the little Jesus bullshit... But I will let you say what you have to say (GUS):
As Putin draws closer to Xi, who among the leaders of the West will rise to their feet like Winston Churchill?
(Gus: I hope no-one is the West will try to act like Winston Churchill, because they will be dangerous by mistakenly misunderstanding the situation which is brewing, because of the West pig-headedness...)
JFK — still at the core of US bullshit...
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is a museum located on the sixth floor of the Dallas County Administration Building (formerly the Texas School Book Depository) in downtown Dallas, Texas, overlooking Dealey Plaza at the intersection of Elm and Houston Streets.
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