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Gus Leonisky's blogbattle of the miraculous noble turd….Prime Minister Scott Morrison has crossed the country twice and shaken hands with thousands of people in the final week of campaigning before polling day, but his conspicuous absence from five battleground seats underscores his greatest challenge this election. From Tasmania to Darwin and Sydney to Perth, Mr Morrison’s trans-continental final week campaign blitz has seen the Prime Minister and travelling press pack fly and bus to 14 electorates in just six days. He visited every state except South Australia, speaking to retirees, first-home buyers, soccer players and paver manufacturers in marginal electorates the Coalition believes are within its grasp.
worth mentioning again and again….This might well be the single funniest thing that has ever happened in all of human history. George W. Bush was giving a speech denouncing Russia and made a Freudian slip, calling out Putin for launching a “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” The moronic former Moron-in-Chief slowly corrected himself: “I mean the Ukraine. Heh [sic].” Then, in apparently a piece of self-deprecating humor, he said, “Iraq too. Anyway.” The crowd laughed.
Two warriors rush to each other; their weapons Splatter the air with stars and blood. This fencing, this clashing of steel, are the sounds Of youth when it is a prey to grand love at odd. The blades break! like our eternal youth My darling! But the teeth, the fingernails, uncouth, Soon avenge the sword and the treacherous dagger. — O Fury of mature heart, embittered of a lover! In the ravine haunted by lynxes and panthers, Our heroes roll viciously clasping each other's, And their skin bleed like flowers on lifeless threads. This is hell, this abyss full of our friends! Let’s roll here without remorse, cruel encore, So the ardor of our hatred will be forever more!
— Charles Baudelaire
war, pestilence, pillage, rape……..How will human life on the third rock from the sun end? A comet, or a bug, or nuclear war, or alien creatures might come and kick us all in the posterior.
warning: this isn't a tabletop escaped virus simulation anymore….The World Health Organisation convened an emergency meeting of experts on Friday to discuss the monkeypox outbreak. The disease, endemic to much of Africa and whose symptoms commonly include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a blistery rash, was detected in the UK in early May, later spreading to continental Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US. In 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Munich Security Conference modelled what would happen if a bioengineered, highly deadly strain of the monkeypox virus was released by terrorists and spread across the globe.
the other mad guy, olaf scholz of teutony…...Why is Germany sending weapons to Ukraine? Don’t they realize these weapons will be used to kill Russian soldiers? Don’t they realize these weapons will be given to Nazi combatants who tattoo swastikas on their arms and march in torchlight parades? Don’t the German people care about that? In World War 2, the German Wehrmacht killed 27 million Russians. Isn’t that enough? How many Russians have to die to satisfy Germany’s bloodlust? Another million or so? 5 million? 27 million? How many?
the mad guy and his arsenal of democrapcy…….With a $40 billion plan, the US is setting itself up for an expensive failure in Ukraine
Eight decades ago, America’s ‘arsenal of democracy’ helped in the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. In recent years, however, it's been less effective
putin saves the planet? or is it biden?….."Here's what your president did when he first came to office," said Hawley. "He immediately re-entered the Paris Climate Accord, he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, he halted leasing programs in ANWR, he issued a sixty-day halt on all new oil and gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters ... that accounts for 25 percent of US oil production. He directed federal agencies to eliminate all support efforts for fossil fuels, he imposed new regulations on oil and gas, and methane emissions; those were all just in the first few days! Are you telling me that's had no effect on our energy supply?"
The dogs bark and the caravan of porkies moves on…...President Volodymyr Zelensky has presented Ukraine’s famous mine-sniffing dog Patron and his owner with a medal to recognise their dedicated service since Russia’s invasion. The pint-size Jack Russell terrier has been credited with detecting more than 200 explosives and preventing their detonation since the start of the war on February 24, quickly becoming a canine symbol of Ukrainian patriotism. Mr Zelensky made the award at a news conference in Kyiv with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Mr Trudeau made a surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital on Sunday.
turd-shit confidence and smirk co….The prime minister has denied that a senior minister in his own government leaked sensitive information days out from polling day. Cabinet’s national security committee reportedly rejected a proposition from Foreign Minister Marise Payne to double Australia’s Pacific aid funding to counter rising Chinese influence as too expensive, according to The Australian. Scott Morrison rejected the notion that a member of his team had leaked cabinet deliberations to the press but wouldn’t comment on the veracity of the report, saying he did not confirm or deny matters of national security. “The members of my national security committee are very, very tight … I’m not going to confirm one way or another the matters in that report,” he said.
the comic propaganda of the CIAIt is well known that the CIA and its derivatives have used many propaganda tools and techniques in its massaging and exposition of the superiority of mainly Western cultures, especially the populace of the USA. Quite a few of the famous writers of “spy novels” came from the dark intestines of spy agencies such as MI6, the FBI and the CIA. Apart from many Comics, much of Hollywood and main stream Western movie-making has been also under the influence of “intelligence” agencies.
The FBI and the Pentagon have both engaged in decades of direct intervention with television and film.
the vitality of fascism…...Despite the lessons of World War II, unfortunately the author has to say that the events of the last eight years in and around Ukraine have demonstrated not only the vitality of Nazism, but also the desire of a number of Western leaders to revive it across the board. Since early 1930s, Western ruling circles were investing huge sums to finance Hitler’s regime. It is a well known fact that in 1932 Bank of England Governor Montague Norman and the Dulles brothers held a secret meeting with Adolf Hitler, which resulted in a decision to finance the NSDAP and lend to the German Reichsbank. Even after the outbreak of World War II, American business continued to operate in Germany and assist the Third Reich, not only in supplying fuel and lubricants via Spain.
By Vladimir Odintsov
the kindness party has become the party of division, war and hate. it always was…….Elon Musk is fully red-pilled. After months of attacks from the left, its allies in the Democratic party, and ceaseless efforts to cancel him, the world’s richest man says that he plans on voting Republican moving forward.
the jewish-will to please yetzer hara and fondle the golden calf…….Thanks to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, we indeed seem to be rushing headlong into a major war—possibly a World War Three, possibly the world’s first (and perhaps last) nuclear war. Ukraine leadership and their Western backers seem hell-bent on fighting to the last man, and Vladimir Putin, as an old-school Cold Warrior, seems equally determined to press ahead until achieving “victory.”
wapo lies….'This is just a lie': How Jeff Bezos' Washington Post twisted a report about Donbass refugees to fit its narrative The American newspaper disregarded the testimonies of volunteers to support its consistently anti-Russian stance Last week, the Washington Post published an extensive article titled ‘Ukrainian refugees in Russia report interrogations, detention and other abuses’. Bias against Russia is nothing new for the newspaper, owned by the oligarch Jeff Bezos. However, this particular story – authored by its former Moscow bureau chief Michael Birnbaum and reporter Mary Ilyushina (known as Maria when she worked in Russian domestic media) – appears to have gone even further than its usual [shitty] output.
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