Sunday 19th of May 2024

крик сердца


3.5 Billion Starve; While World's other Half Plays

methodical, attentive, calm and riding the storm of chaos on the side of truth...


Department of Justice Attorney General William Barr is the perfect man for the job. He is methodical, attentive, calm and rides the storm of chaos with the demeanor of a man who knows he is standing on the side of truth.

bringing in the big guns...


The Sunday Tampongraph was pretty subdued today... There was the "low key" announcement of a $5 million timely donation to a charity, the Children Hospice in Manly, which at this time of vicious electionarium, coud be seen as a desperate attempt at a phot-op with the stars for struggling Tony — and a dash of discreet pork barelling.


suicide watch ...

suicide watch ...

is he electable? not really... even if he lived in the electorate...

tony listens

In the Saturday Paper, we are reminded by the Gadfly that Tony Abbott does not live in the electorate that he wishes to represent once more: Warringah. He lives "next door" in Mackellar. This should actually disqualify him forthwith. But we shall see what the AEC makes of this..


On the question of global warming, which is not a question by the way, Tony Abbott is a "compleat" (old fashioned way to spell complete) ignoramus because he does not want to know anything contrary to his beliefs... See:

uncle rupe is going to become religious like pontius pilatus...


This is going to become ugly. Already the guns are out in the Murdoch camp... One of their front page articles on the website is about a Green candidate doing some rubbish posting about the police. He should be chastised sure, but the headline on the merde-och media is cleverly disguised with a photograph designed to associate Tanya Plibersek (Labor), as if she had been doing the shit.


Watch it. It's classic DT clever manipulation of your brains.


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