Sunday 19th of May 2024

tax relief for low income earners (Mannie De Saxe)

On Tuesday 7 September 2004 both major political parties jumped up and down about how each of their tax policies will give tax relief to low income earners.

Now, what happens to pensioners who don't receive enough income to pay income tax directly, but pay tax indirectly through the goods and services tax (GST)?

Our pensions increase according to the CPI, but we cannot control the price increases in supermarkets and places where we have to buy food and get other services. These prices go up and up, and our incomes don't but as the cost of everything goes up, so does the amount of GST on everything.

Result? Pensioners are losers yet again! Is anybody offering relief? Are pensioner bodies screaming their collective heads off??

Not a murmur from anyone at all!!