Sunday 12th of May 2024

snow idea & the seven dwarfs .....


cinderfella & the seven dwarfs .....

G-8 countries backed down yesterday from their strong global warming stance, instead embracing President Bush's proposal to move toward unspecified “substantial cuts” in carbon emissions.

The "agreement says the G-8 countries will 'seriously' consider cutting emissions in half by 2050, but it sets no mandatory goals for all."

Of course, bushit had already publicly announced that Amerika, the world’s worst polluter, would only “seriously consider” pursuing specific targets. Given that the world’s greatest criminal couldn’t even turn-up to one of the meetings, allegedly struck-down by a virus, it hardly came as a surprise that the rest of the world’s wise men & women would reach the same conclusion.

Whilst the great dope was allegedly too hung-over to attend key discussions at the so-called summit, the rest of the wise monkeys have only their own cowardice to blame for selling-out the planet.

And, after 11 years in denial, our prime rattus has suddenly switched sides & embraced the idea of doing something about climate change…. in a daring display of independent thinking … announcing that his feeble band of self-interested phoneys would simply do nothing.

Giving the issue a poll-driven poke, the rodent announced that Australia will have an emissions trading scheme although, as with St Augustine's prayer for chastity, he hopes it will be a long way off.

The year 2012, to be exact.

This dithering is not surprising, given that the committee that examined the issue for him was composed entirely of loyal public servants & tycoons hand-picked from some of the biggest resource industries & industrial polluters. Not a climate scientist in sight. It confirms the good sense of the adage that governments should never commission a report unless they know what's going to be in it.

The little rodent's chief concern seems to be that the economy will suffer if we go in too hard on cutting carbon emissions. It obviously hasn't occurred to our wise monkey that eventually we won't have an economy at all, if we keep pumping poisons into the atmosphere as we are doing now.

Thanks for nothing wise monkeys ….