Wednesday 24th of April 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

working like clockwork


I don’t know why but the new Aussie submarines seems to be suffering from irrelevance, obsolescence and workforce deficiencies. The French made some very unhelpful comments about the Australian commitment of the Adelaide shipyards.


keeping busy now that you've watched all the episodes of dad's army on your tablet...


As it looks we’re going to stay home for the long haul, until the Trumpo/Scomo cavalry sounds the all clear, we oldies, have to borrow games designed for the yoofs to keep our mind young.


the aussie spirit of larrikinism is about to die...


Larrikinism — with its mixture of irreverence, playfulness, some satirical elements of love and of loss, nostalgia for the sounds and trousers styles of the past such as flares, and the sobering subjects of epidemic disease and delusions — is an Australian English term meaning "a mischievous young person, an uncultivated, rowdy but good hearted person", and/or "a person who acts with apparent disregard for social or political conventions"...


This free-spirit is about to die...


conjuring the spirit of françois-marie arouet on the wedgie (ouija) board...

voltaireAs loony cartoonists, we have to ask what would great thinkers, such as Voltaire, Freud, Einstein, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Marx and others, make of the present corona19-situation… 

the passion of st scott...

the passion of saint scott

Scott Morrison committed the Australian nation to god during times of great need and suffering... Carrying his budget surplus like a cross, Scomo thanked god for saving his arse in the face of Sports Rorts, Angus' watery affair and other fiddles that involved Clover.


Full of his own Coalonascopic climate change disbelief and on his way to Mount Corona, where he would be nailed by the Toilet Paper Army, he knew he would resuscitate by Easter, which was just around the corner.


desperate mabel on a cruise to nowhere...


The Federal Government has struck a deal with the country's 657 private hospitals, giving the Commonwealth access to another 34,000 hospital beds to help tackle the coronavirus crisis.

when the now deserted beaches had seen better days...


"Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Corona and all the odious apparatus of Virus rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be."


you're going to die. this is not something to worry about...


As the world tries desperately to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, Brazil's president is doing his best to downplay it. 

do it for your country...


As of midnight tonight, gatherings in Australia will be restricted to two people in a further attempt to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

on the wrong side of the bars, as "the old are beginning to tire"...


I’ve been on to my solicitor to draft a certificate setting out why I should be saved when the Great Triage comes.

I can’t think of a single reason off the top of my head but he’ll come up with something. He’s good. He’s expensive. I want the document on me when I’m wheeled into ICU.

bringing back the tanks...


OK, I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news. The good news is mainly for authoritarians who missed all the fun during the War on Terror. The news is … welcome to the War on Death!

the new world order...

world order    We are sold a pup. Yes the coronavirus is here. But the treatment is far worse than this disease which is not worse than the ordinary flu by any shot. People still die daily from the flu in far greater numbers than those who die from the coronavirus. Isolation, quarantine and destruction of the social fabric in one swoop are not the solutions to fight such an infection and one should ask questions. One needs to be highly suspicious...

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