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Pentagon Announces New Adelaide Missile Shield ContractAdelaide is now a port of the U.S.A. The Pentagon has announced that it will make the three warships being built in Adelaide compatible with the U.S. Navy. In a mandatory notice to Congress, the Pentagon's Defence Security Cooperation Agency said Australia was seeking to buy up to three MK 41 Vertical Launch System "ship sets" and modify up to three MK 7 Aegis weapons systems. Lockheed Martin, who were last year awarded the system integration contracts for the three Air Warfare Destroyers being constructed in South Australia, will sell Australia up to a billion dollars worth of technology.
on being australian .....
The following piece was written by a friend of mine from America, who recently was proud
to become an Australian Citizen. It is sadly ironic that a “New” Australian has the courage to speak out
in the face of our government’s shameful deeds, whilst so many of us who had
the good fortune to be born & raised in this great land remain steadfastly silent. ‘I had the privilege recently to become a citizen of this country, one
of the finest in the world in so many respects. I am proud to call myself
Australian, but I have some questions of Mr. Howard and Mr. Costello and Mr.
Downer and the rest of the "Leaders" of this land.
the bushit doctrine .....
‘The U.S. government has been, and continues to be, a major supporter of state-supported terrorism, favouring retaliatory or pre-emptive aggression over mediation in the world court, and avoiding accountability by excluding itself from the globally accepted definition of terrorism. The hypocrisy of the U.S. government is powerfully scrutinized in Distorted Morality, a scathing thesis presented by renowned scholar Noam Chomsky.’
the rodent wheel .....our little prime hypocrite was
at it again yesterday …. Answering a question about the
horrendous terrorist attack in Mumbai, the deputy opportunist once again took
full advantage of a supine media to spruik his favourite lines on the dread of
terrorism, giving his fear meme a good kick along in the process. PRIME MINISTER:
speaking ill of the dead .....
It’s often been said that it’s inappropriate to speak ill of the dead. But during Ken Lay’s funeral yesterday, the Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson gave new meaning to that tradition. The crazy Reverend compared Ken Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr & Jesus Christ, & said “his name would eventually be cleared." "History has a way of vindicating people who have been wronged." said Lawson.
"aussie tony" & the value of credibility .....
‘The cash-for-peerages scandal paralysing Britain's Labour
Party moved perilously close to Tony Blair's door when the London Metropolitan
Police yesterday arrested Lord Levy, the Prime Minister's confidant, party fundraiser
and Middle East envoy. The news 10 Downing Street has been privately dreading for months came after the police spent all day interviewing Lord Levy at a north London police station before releasing him on bail without charge.
Halliburton Sacked By U.S. ArmyHappy happy day.... I've been skipping around the kitchen since I There's a catch however. This means that instead of one global corporation
trashing geneva ......Prisoners at the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay The report - Report
more bushit from our abc .....“The Bush Administration has decided to grant all Guantanamo Whilst “auntie” continues to
lie-along .....Howard promised me a handover: Treasurer Peter Costello says Mr Costello's comments confirm Mr McLachlan says he witnessed Mr
a false flag .....‘Little has changed in the imperialist tendencies of
"aussie tony" in trouble .....‘Des Browne, the defence secretary, conceded yesterday His sombre assessment came after Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Tootal,
crazy uncle pat .....‘US evangelical leader Pat
Pine Gap Used In Korean Crisis - Murdoch AdWhy is Newscorp advertising Pine Gap's role in the Korean missile launches? A bulletin posted 2 hours ago explains how the CIA base in the middle of Australia was used to organise counter-measures. Aegis class missile ships, similar to those being built in Adelaide, would have received missile trajectory information important in calculating counter-measures, the report says. The Murdoch story explains how Pine Gap is one of only two U.S. ground stations used to collect infromation from satellites monitoring the Asia Pacific region. The other station is located in Alaska.
Should Halliburton Take Responsibily For Australian Soldier Mix-Up ?It has been reported that the body of Australian soldier Jake Kovco returned to Australia accompanied by the identification of a Halliburton contractor. The body of Juso Sunanovic,the deceased worker from Bosnia was in a bag bearing the correctname and passport number, and had been delivered to the Kuwait morgue by a Halliburton/KBR employee.
A simple scrap of paper with Private Jake Kovco's
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