Wednesday 8th of January 2025

house rules .....

house rules .....

Since 2003, the IAEA has consistently failed its obligations towards Iran as defined by the 1974 Safeguards Agreement. It has failed to facilitate refueling of a small reactor in Tehran, used mostly for short-lived medical isotopes. It has cancelled several key technical assistance programs with Iran, some of them related to nuclear safety issues, under pressure from the US.

At America's behest, the IAEA has become a conventional weapon inspector agency, seeking information about national secrets of Iran related to missiles and conventional bomb making capabilities; which is completely outside of its jurisdiction, as spelled out in the 1974 agreement.

In violation of Article 9 of the 1974 Agreement, the IAEA has shared Iran's sensitive nuclear technology with member nations, as well as outside nuclear experts with dubious connections to Iran's enemies. And most importantly, the Agency with tremendous pressure from US, has elevated a technical non-compliance matter to the level Chapter 7 UNSC sanctions, which should have been used when there is a clear indication of a nuclear weapons program.

The Agency's clear violation of Iran's rights under the NPT leads one to wonder if the IAEA is ever going to clear Iran's file and revert it back to the normal status while the US is exerting pressure. It is unrealistic for Iran's leadership to assume that by fully engaging the IAEA, sometime in the near future, this agency, working against the wishes of Obama's administration, will clear Iran's path to have nascent enrichment capability. After all, the so called "laptop" filled with mostly fabricated information against Iran's nuclear programs did not show up until it was clear that the IAEA was going to declare 6 outstanding concerns on Iran's past nuclear activities were no longer valid.

In addition to the West's shaping of IAEA's illegitimate position on Iran's nuclear file, relentless fabricated attacks by the western media has finally resulted in portraying Iran as an outlaw when it comes to the nuclear activities. The propaganda machine led by the likes of Fred Hiatt of Washington Post and Nicolas Goldberg of Los Angeles Times, have helped create such an environment that a recent Pew poll showed that more than 50% of Americans support a US military strike against Iran while the U.S. is in a quagmire in the graveyard of the empires - Afghanistan, and continues to be engaged in its sixth year war in Iraq.

The latest IAEA's report which continued its demands from Iran to go beyond its obligations under the NPT safeguards and Subsidiary Arrangement Code 3.1 is another misrepresentation of the truth by the Agency. Iran's Majlis (parliament) never approved this code which requires reporting any nuclear project at the point of inception.

It is ironic that a major NPT member (i.e. US) is allowed to threaten Iran's nuclear facilities with military strikes, but when Iran rightfully wants to prevent that from happening by using passive defensive majors, she is censured by the Board.