Friday 3rd of May 2024

"aussie tony" & the value of timing .....

"aussie tony" & the value of timing .....

Tony Blair had to be rescued by bodyguards as he visited a West Bank mosque yesterday when a Palestinian man approached him shouting: 'You are a terrorist!'

The security breach occurred as the former prime minister was visiting an ancient mosque during an official trip to the city of Hebron.

The protester, a local man carrying a bag who was praying when Mr Blair and his entourage entered, was backed into a corner by guards who tried to shut him up.

'He is not welcome in the land of Palestine,' the man shouted before he was dragged away by Palestinian security forces.

The man, a supporter of the Islamic Liberation Party Hizbut-Tahrir, was released after Blair left.

Mr Blair - the Special Representative in the Middle East for the 'Quartet' of the UN, EU, U.S. and Russia - gave a tight-lipped smile and tried to wave the incident off, but his Palestinian hosts were visibly upset by the lapse.

'You know, he made his protest and that's fair enough,' Mr Blair, 56, told reporters after the man was arrested.

'I think it's important for you guys as well to not always mistake the protest for the general view of the whole population.'