Friday 10th of January 2025

dumb wars .....

dumb wars .....

Wait a minute. Is it just me or does anyone else see the inherent absurdity of this headline from the August 10 edition of the New York Times: "U.S. to Hunt Down Afghan Drug Lords Tied to Taliban."

My, my. The War on Terror may be over... well, renamed... but the War On Drugs sure has spread. I wonder if there ever will be an end to it. Either way, Drug Lords! For shame, Uncle Scam better get some of those Special Forces dudes in there toot sweet and take 'em out pronto! Can't have heroin flooding our impoverished and neglected ghettos of forgotten and disposable people now can we? And God forbid that Afghan Drug Lords are funding the Taliban!

And that my friends is exactly where the absurdity lies.

Just what is the Taliban? Silly question? Not at all. By this point in time most Americans think of the Taliban as those radical Islamofacists who perpetrated 911.

Hardly. That was another group, not the Taliban. Way back when the evil USSR commie pinkos were bogged down in Afghanistan threatening the free world, the Taliban was heralded as "Freedom Fighters" by our omnipotent and wise Executive Branch. Let's see was that during the days of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan or both?

Oh who cares? But now, they are evil threats to the free world. Gosh, I wonder what changed their minds? Maybe it was... the drugs?