Wednesday 8th of January 2025

chief war criminal .....

chief war criminal .....

George Bush is worried about his legacy. At his last press conference, he acknowledged that he made mistakes and suffered disappointments. "I think it’s a good, strong record," he said of his eight years in office.

The most disgusting thing about Bush’s last press conference was how he aggressively defended his baby, the war in Iraq.

But because Bush’s war is aggressive, unnecessary, unconstitutional, senseless, immoral, unjust, and even worse, his legacy, at least for those of us who treasure liberty and peace, will be that of a war criminal in chief.

I have been harshly critical of U.S. troops killing for the state in Iraq (see "Who Is Responsible? and "The Blame Game"). The ones doing the actual bombing, shooting, maiming, and killing in this most criminal of wars are certainly culpable. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gates, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff never destroyed any property in Iraq or killed any Iraqis. And the same goes for the Congresses that have continued to fund this most expensive of wars.

But before Bush leaves office I want to make one thing perfectly clear: George Bush is just as responsible for turning Iraq into a killing field as the U.S. troops who invaded and occupied the country. He is the war criminal in chief and the chief war criminal.

I base my assessment on the aftermath of the account of David and Bathsheba found in the Bible – a book that President Bush professes to believe.