Tuesday 18th of February 2025

diplomatic notes .....

diplomatic notes .....

That notorious entertainer, Alexander – call me “fishnets” – Clowner was treading the boards again yesterday. 

Mustering his vast diplomatic skill to condemn suggestions from last weekend’s Summit that Australia might become a Republic, the Adelaide hysteric said:  

“I warn you, people who support the present arrangements will be ridiculed & that will be the tool of choice, the tool of choice will be ridicule & personal abuse”. 

Having alerted everyone who would listen of the dangers of ‘ridicule & personal abuse’, fishnets then calmly went on to make the following observations …… 

“This is just a sort of Keating style gab fest of, um, Keating loving elites with a sprinkling of conservatives to make it look a bit more respectable……” 

"The summit that was meant to bring together 1000 geniuses with new ideas & the new idea was that we will go back to Paul Keating & repeat his ideas ….” 

"This was just a Keating-style gabfest with the Keating-loving elite. I think there were 25 conservatives altogether out of 1000……” 

"It was a Keating cheer squad with a sprinkling of conservatives to make it respectable……" 

"It was the re-emergence of the Keating coalition all there in parliament house in Canberra and it's also a re-emergence of the Keating style….." 

"(The summit had been) a completely political exercise, excluding the view of the great mainstream of the Australian people, putting together a bunch of elites and trying to make it look respectable by inviting a handful of conservatives ….." 

Lucky he warned us …..