Friday 3rd of January 2025

a humble call to arms ()

Our site has been flooded with emails since the election was called. Many of them are from people empassioned by Margo's book asking, 'what can we do', or 'is there a NHJ group in my area?' One of the most succinct was, 'Could you please tell me the best method of joining politics?'

So I embarked on a wierd journey. I sent out a post to our mailing list suggesting that people email me their electorates and contact details they would be willing to share with others in their area. The response has been great, and since then I have been corresponding with and talking on the phone with many varied people who just want to know what to do.

Our email is . Email me with your name, electorate and contact details you would be willing to share with NHJ!ers in your area. Do so if either, a) you want to find a way to help / start a group, or b) you have an ideal way for NHJ!ers to help in a particular electorate.

We do need all hands on deck, the tasks are so different from electorate to electorate, and, well, this is a very different perspective on an election campaign. NHJ is not interested in a party, and might be drawn to support good ALP candidates, Greens, Dems, independents or maverick Liberals.

But I want to offer some principles of action:

(1) We are attempting to a) end the Howard era of politics, and b) promote and defend the culture and institutions of democracy. Now these things go together, and the task will by no means be finished after the election, but right now a) is strategically paramount, so,

(2) Our goal, right now, with our efforts, time and resources, is to most effectively help end the Howard regime. In practice we want either a Labour win or a de-Howarded Liberal win, with an increase in representation from independents and small parties, and a strong, well-hung Senate. (Look, for my money, a Green majority in the Lower House would be great, but I'm being realistic).

(3) Our efforts are useful only to the extent that they influence swinging voters or conservative voters to move toward voting, 'Not Happy John!', whatever that may mean in their electorate. Efforts to congratulate each other, 'solidarity actions', are not a high priority right now.

(4) There are effectively hundreds of Not Happy John groups around the country, but hardly any are called that, and many might not even heard of it. There is no such thing as NHJism, and the name, the book, Margo's name or any other identifier is not important. So joining effective activities already occuring, which will all need people, is just as good as coming up with our own activities. We should avoid reinventing wheels at this critical time.

(5) Boring and tedious as it is, the vast majority of effective (for (2), above) activity until the election will be helping candidates. In Bennalong for example, Troy Rollo, a NHJ!er himself, would be a good independent to help, as would the Green candidate Andrew Wilkie. (I truly hope these two exchange 2nd preferences). But hell, in a marginal seat with no clear independent alternative, the best NHJ! activity might be doing some yards for the local ALP candidate. We must defeat Howard.

(6) We must relax sometimes, give up smoking, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.