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flying high with the pigs....AN ANAL-YSIS OF POINTS OF VIEWS IN REGARD TO POLITICIANS TELLING PORKIES...... FROM Sarah Collard (2017): Supporters of US President Donald Trump are more likely to believe what he says, and even after they are shown it is not true, they still want to vote for him, research has shown. SUPPORTERS OF JOE BIDEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO FORGIVE HIS PORKIES BECAUSE THEY ARE RIGHT TO BE ON THE LEFT AND HE IS A CATHOLIC. The University of Western Australia study was undertaken by researcher Briony Swire-Thompson and School of Psychological Science associate professor Ullrich Ecker in late 2015 as the US election campaign was ratcheting up in intensity and rhetoric. THE GUS CLUB OF DERELICTS' STUDY WAS UNDERTAKEN BY STREET-CLEANER BRIAN SWINE-PORKON AND THE SCHOOL OF STREET GANGS ASSOCIATE LEADER UKILELE MOCKER IN EARLY 2028 AS SPEECHES FLEW OVER THE MOON TO REACH THE STARS. Researchers gave more than 2,500 Republican and Democrat participants a selection of Mr Trump's statements and asked whether they believed the statements, some attributed to him, others not. CHILDREN, PLEASE! NO FOOD FIGHT!... "If they knew the information was from Trump, Republican supporters believed the information more and the opposite was true for Democrats, as soon as they heard it was from Trump, it didn't matter if it was true or false," he said. He said when the subjects were told the information was fake, it had some effect, but did not really change their voting intention. WHY WOULD THEY? THEY LOVE TRUMP BECAUSE HE LIES WITH A STRAIGHT FACE. JOE BIDEN LIED WITH A CROOKED MOUTH SAYING ONE THING WHILE DOING ANOTHER.... The researchers were also surprised Trump supporters became confused about what was true or false, even after being told. THE RESEARCHERS WERE ALSO CONFUSED ABOUT JOE BIDEN'S TROOTHS.... "As soon as the information was associated with Trump, people got confused and after a week or so they had a hard time remembering what was true or false," he said. "That was surprising, that once statements were associated with Trump, it seemed to impair their memory for the statements they had read and rated," he said. SURPRISING? WHOA!..... Fed up with normal politiciansMr Ecker said many people were "fed up" with politicians and did not want politicians to "tiptoe" around issues, but it meant vulnerable people might be exploited. EVERY EFFING PEOPLE IS EFFING EXPLOITED! THAT'S POLITIKKKKKS 101! "People in desperate situations, who are feeling left behind and neglected by the existing system, they become vulnerable to leaders who may not have their best issues at heart," he said. "If people feel they are being left behind and are having trouble putting food on the table, they long for strong leaders and then fall for [those] leaders. JOE BIDEN WAS HIDDEN FOR AT LEAST A YEAR BECAUSE HE WAS SENILE and CROTCHETY... HIS MINDERS MADE SURE HE WAS ONLY READING THE SCRIPT WHEN RARELY ALLOWED NEAR A MICROPHONE...... "We're kind of used to politicians cherry-picking and twisting the truth a little bit, but this was a new quality, not only in the US but also in the UK, politicians were saying outright false things, and getting away with it." WE LOVE CHERRIES, DON'T WE???? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW A "NORMAL" POLITICIAN?....
SEE ALSO: the YD continuum since 2005....
SEE ALSO: climate change +...
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