The trooly-o-yay-and-verily angelic truth-seekers of the ripping John Howard Lies website are maintaining a relentless squirrel grip on PM-Credibility-Overboardgate even as it hourly unfolds.
A CSI rubber-glove probe, John? The X-Files truth-is-out-there, Mark? Hah! Begone! with your imported Yankee cultural metaphors, the let's-go-to-the-record forensic fiends who crank out 'JHL' even give A Certain Hansard Committee a run for their money. (Speaking of money, while you're over there why not think about chucking these big-hearted Citizens a buck or two? Even those diligent PH Senate Committee scribbler n' scribey types do it at least partly for the weekly paycheck, but your public-spirited amateur record checker can doubtless use all the spare change going...)
Keep lying all you like, Prime Minister Howard. Nobody believes a thing you say anymore. Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet, Arthur? Is it time for you to 'spin' overboard yourself, perhaps, since you've also been named publicly as being present the night Mr Scrafton set the PM straight?
MIKE SCRAFTON: I left him in no doubt that there was no evidence that there were children thrown overboard.
KERRY O'BRIEN: You've said you believe that other people were with Mr Howard at his end of those phone conversations that night -- at least one of your conversations with him. What do you base that on and do you know who else was there?
MIKE SCRAFTON: I can't recall completely all the names. I base it on the fact that he actually introduced all of the names during the first conversation. He said, 'I have here at Kirribilli with me -- '. And the only name I can recall clearly is Arthur Sinodinos, who is his Chief of Staff.
Fancy perjuring yourself under oath to the Senate, Arthur? Just asking, son...hmmmm...and could it also be time for a few on the Libs' frontbench to 'bail overboard' on Honest John at last, before they get a call-up from the Senate? Get while the getting's good - just like Max and Pete and Jane and Ross and more than a few of the others involved in that ugliest of election campaigns have bailed overboard since then? Ah, but who knows who knew what when, who knows who knew indeed...
Tick-tock, Prime Minister John Winston Howard. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...
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