Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Joe is a double-dealing devious rat…..

On Aug. 30, President Joe Biden gave a speech at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He was angered that many Republicans were predicting politically motivated violence as a result of the legal proceedings being taken against former President Donald Trump.

Biden argued that “a safer America requires all of us to uphold the rule of law. Not the rule of any one party or any one person .… The idea you turn on a television and see senior senators and congressmen saying, “If such and such happens, there’ll be blood in the street. Where the hell are we?”


By Lawrence Davidson


He ended by declaring, political violence “is never appropriate. Period. Never. Never. Never.”

It has often been noted that the White House can provide a rarified atmosphere that separates the occupants from reality and this might, to some extent, be the case with Biden. So, here is a big, big, big hint. Biden is in the United States — a place with quite a history of civil strife, assassinations and large sections of cities periodically going up in flames, and most of this is politically motivated violence.




JO BIDEN IS A DOUBLE-DEALING RAT.... HE AWAYS WAS AND STILL IS. BUT THESE DAYS HIS INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES ARE DIMMED BY SENILITY AND HIS TELEPROMPTER WRITERS DO THE JOB FOR HIM. MAY I REMIND Lawrence Davidson — professor of history emeritus at West Chester University in Pennsylvania, who has been publishing his analyses of topics in U.S. domestic and foreign policy, international and humanitarian law and Israel/Zionist practices and policies since 2010 — THAT JO WAS THE AUTHOR OF THE AWFUL "PATRIOT ACT"... SAY NO MORE... EXCEPT :