Dear Ms. Kingston,
I have struggled to read your book.
This is not a criticism of your style or linguistic ability.
Far from it.
It is the consequence of my distress at reading about the state of our beautiful, sovereign nation and the unbridled attack on my democracy. I knew these events were happening, but it was only when I read them as a chronicle that they have had such an impact on me.
So I read with a handkerchief in one hand and your book in the other, pausing frequently to wipe away the tears of frustration, anger and loss. This is the saddest story I have read for a long time. I am grieving for my nation like our indigenous tribes grieve for their nations.
I know that it doesn't have to be like this. I'm looking forward to the end of your book where I hope to find some uplifting thoughts and strategies to change things.
I have thrown my lot in with the Greens. I am their candidate for Hughes in the next election, whenever that may be. I can tell people there is a different way, a better way for our country. I don't really have time to run a campaign. I have four children, the youngest only 5. But I can't sit back and allow their future, our future, to be chipped away.
Thank you for having the courage to tell this story. This is certainly fuel to the fire of change. Lordy me, let there be change!
Lorraine Dixon
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