Sunday 22nd of December 2024

Send You Home In a Toohey's Tub

Here we are from New Sourh Wales
Where Coronvirus hails
Grab your pigskin, have a rub
We'll send you home in a Tooheys Tub
You have crossed the border clean
With no need to Quarantine
Bound for South Australian Hell
to watch a game of NRL
Give us all your Sydney cash
Kindly take a flying dash
Rugby has no local pull
Tits aren't wanted on a bull.
In South Australia we were born
See a sheep and call it shorn
A final giggle we have laughed
Your Toohey's Beer was West End Draught
Here we are from New Sourh Wales
Where Coronavirus hails
Grab your pigskin, have a rub
Sail off home in a Tooheys Tub!