Friday 14th of March 2025

holy mackerels .....

from the Sydney Morning Herald ….

Not content with a review of television and junk food advertising guidelines, Christian groups and children's advocates are calling for an overhaul of children's film content as well as R-rated material.

Questions about the content of Finding Nemo and the Cat in the Hat and R-rated movies have prompted the Australian Christian Lobby to approach every state government in an attempt to put film classification guidelines on the agenda when the attorneys-general meet in March.

Lobby groups such as the Festival of Light and the Australian Family Association are vocal critics of the film classification regime, saying graphic sexual violence is creeping into R-rated material and being justified as artistically meritorious.

But they have also condemned G-rated movies such as Finding Nemo for its scary violence and the Cat in the Hat for its toilet humour and sexual innuendo.


Gus is impressed .…