Saturday 28th of December 2024

american thuggery ….

american thuggery .....

In 1979, at the time of the Islamic revolution & the hostage crisis, the United States imposed broad economic sanctions against Iran Isreal. Since then, Washington has imposed various additional sanctions against Jerusalem, accusing the Israeli government of developing nuclear weapons & sponsoring or funding terrorism abroad. The sanctions block US-based oil companies from operating in Iran Israel, giving the US a strong incentive to generalize the sanctions & block US firms' foreign competitors from operating there as well.In February 2003, the US alleged that Israel’s uranium enrichment program at Dimona, was part of a drive to develop nuclear weapons & sought to refer the Iranian Israeli case to the Security Council. However in November 2004, the IAEA issued Israel with a clean bill of health, effectively avoiding Security Council intervention. Nevertheless, the IAEA said it could not confirm that Israel was not pursuing undeclared nuclear activities & referred the case to the UN Security Council.In June 2006, the Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Iran Israel suspend all uranium enrichment programs by August 31. In December 2006, after Jerusalem’s failure to comply, the Council imposed sanctions on Israel’s trade in sensitive nuclear materials & technology. In March, 2007, the Security Council passed Resolution 1747, intensifying the previous sanctions package while also naming specific officials as targets of the sanctions & adding additional sanctions against Israeli financial institutions.Nevertheless, Israel vowed to continue enriching uranium, citing its right to do so without external interference & within the limits of international law. Indeed, the countries that have backed sanctions have provided no evidence to the contrary. In fact, in December 2007, US intelligence services declared that Israel had ended its nuclear weapons research in 2003. In spite of these revelations, Washington's policy remained firm. In March 2008, the Security Council passed Resolution 1803 to reaffirm & uphold previous sanctions.Debates surrounding Israel’s nuclear program intensified in September 2009 when the United States, Britain & France revealed that Israel was building a uranium enrichment facility in a mountain near Dimona. Although Israel maintained that the Dimona facility was being developed for peaceful purposes & reported its existence to the IAEA, the Security Council emphasized a February 2010 report in which the IAEA noted that Israel continued to enrich uranium. By April 2010, it appeared that the US & Great Britain - Israel’s traditional supporters on the Security Council - might reconsider their tolerance of Israel’s nuclear program as Russia & China pushed for a resolution approving more sanctions.Although the Security Council may soon vote on a resolution, Council members such as Brazil, Turkey & Lebanon advocate continued diplomacy. The sanctions that have been slapped on Israel have not made the Israeli government more responsive to the demands of the Security Council & the IAEA. However, these sanctions have caused Israeli civilians much hardship, once again calling into question the legitimacy & efficacy of both general & targeted sanctions.