Friday 27th of December 2024

it's not just the rugby .....

it's not just the rugby .....

The resulting personal freedom index and overall freedom index looks about right in that most countries fall into the spectrum of freedom that would be generally expected. The top three jurisdictions in the freedom index are New Zealand, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong, in that order.

The bottom three are Pakistan (121), Burma (122), and Zimbabwe (123).

The following are the rankings of selected countries in the freedom index: Australia (4); Canada (5); United States (7); Japan (9); Estonia (10); Switzerland (11); Chile (16); United Kingdom (18); Germany (35); Singapore (39); Brazil (50); Ghana (55); Greece (65); Turkey (83); United Arab Emirates (86); Russia (89); India (92); Egypt (96); China (100); Venezuela (109); Cameroon (114); Iran (116).

it's not just the rugby .....

Fraser Institute - An Index Of Freedom In The World


and let’s not forget our ‘special friend’ Israel, standing tall with a ranking of 105 out of the 123 countries entered in this particular beauty contest; adding evidence to the popular lie that it is the only democracy in the middle east …..