My son gave me your book for my 54th birthday on 12.7.04. It was a great present as I have not been able to put it down. However, I am only up to the final chapters where you talk about the attack on NGO's.
Your book is a credit to your profession and to you. Unlike the likes of Piers Ackerman, Andrew Bolt, Paul Kelly, Malcom Farr etc., you do your job. You are not sickening as no one pulls your strings, like the others. I do not read the 'Tele' or the Australian. The SMH is the way to go as long as it has writers like you and my favourite, Alan Ramsay. Betcha he could write a book or two.
There seemed to be a void in facts to highlight the wrongs of this government. The ALP has finally got some guts with Mark Latham. He is hamstrung by the fact that most Australians are bored by politics and get most of their info from the 'bloody Tele' or the papers owned by Murdoch.
They do not know how a our democracy should work - Howard is not going to tell them. Few know of the separation of powers, our constitution and conventions to ensure good government. Few know that the Libs continually break conventions (block supply, hold BBQ's, see off troops, attack the High Court, ignore the UN etc.)
What a marvelous article the SMH could have on how Australia's Democracy should work by the proper functioning of Executive Power, Parliament, Judiciary, the GG.
Maybe Malcom Fraser, Jim Killen, John Hewson, Fred Daly (if alive??) Gough Bob, Paul or many other Honourable MP's could assist. John Howard and his lot are not Honourable. I think a good headline would entice the Tele readers etc to buy the SMH as they are literally starved of the truth and would find it most interesting to find out how Democracy should work in Australia.
Your book is a pleasure to read, as was J Pilger's, D Marr's & G Vidals' recent books I have read on the truth.
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