I am thoroughly enjoying my read of your book. Now what can we do about it - that is where my mind is going. Let's try to be proactive! As a baby boomer (born 1952) I was quite active in the 1972 McGovern campaign in the Californian primary - I drove from Arizona to San Diego and pounded the pavement to help him win that primary and he became the Democratic candidate ( little did the voters know that the Watergate break-in was happening before the election).
Anyway, my point is that I was 20 years old - going to university and feeling I could make a difference - and I did something about it through the democratic process.
Can people make a difference today? Imagine a grass roots movement- with posters and bumper stickers saying- 'NOT HAPPY, JOHN!' It might make some voters think - it might make some more people read your book- and it might make a difference to the next election result.. I was wondering what others thought. It might help overcome the unbalanced media reporting occuring at the moment.
I don't think John would appreciate the message. People are sick of government lies, $3000 baby bonus bribes, US intervention in Australian politics and voter funded functions for John and George....
Can we still make a difference? Would it be enough to get Australians to think about the direction the coalition has led our country?
Margo: So many people want stickers we're trying to get more printed. Stay tuned!
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