Friday 14th of March 2025

Margo Kingston gives voice to the 'silent' majority. (John)

Thanks Mr Howard. You turned me into a 53 year old 'hippy/radical.' I once was your humble, conservative, well educated, professional, hard working, liberal, family man, servant. I had never marched/protested in my life (not even against Vietnam).

With my wife, I joined thousands on the streets of Melbourne last year for the first time. We told you, you were wrong. But you knew better. On every key issue that matters, we kept telling you, you are wrong. But you told us you know better.

We thought you must know something you could not tell us about. The evidence is growing against you, every day. Still you refuse to admit you were wrong. When is it that you will listen to the majority telling you, you are wrong and say sorry? I am sounding like a broken record.

Anyway, who is this Margo Kingston? She sounds just like me.