Many of us are avid readers and consume all manner of media content. You would think this would give us a good basis to form a view on our government and our democracy. Alas, things are not always as they seem. We've had lots of feedback on Not Happy, John and a consistent theme has been a realisation that the system is more broken than we thought.
There has even been a fundamental misunderstanding about the PM. Many feel he is a conservative harking back to the ideals of the Menzies era. As the book shows, nothing could be further from the truth. John Howard is radical and rarely hesitates to cast aside tradition. Readers of NHJ comment that they never knew the extent of this radicalism until they read the book. In the past week the PM blithely accepted US Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage's foray into our domestic politics. This is against diplomatic tradition between our countries.
Taking the steps needed to improve our democracy starts with an accounting of where we stand. NHJ provides a devastating account of the current situation but the book doesn't end there. Where it ends is with you and me. We have all the tools at our disposal to force the powerful to do as we demand. We have that power because we the people have the numbers. That's the hopeful conclusion of NHJ and we hope you share this with as many Australians as you can. Roll on NHJ , roll on!
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