Tuesday 25th of February 2025

The winds are blowing ()

Another week and the NHJ buzz is still growing. The latest Nielsen Bookscan chart places NHJ at No 3 (in The Age) and No 4 (in the SMH) on the non-fiction charts. And No 11 on the overall charts. In other words, we're reaching really encouraging numbers for a book that has, tellingly, received little mainstream press coverage. In other words, the message has entirely bypassed the old ways of communicating and succeeded in getting people excited and active. We reckon the mainstream press are a little scared that something, anything, can sell without their promotions, so maybe NHJ is a taste of much to come.

The Brisbane arts publication, Timeoff, has run an informative piece on NHJ.

And Lawyer's Weekly, said to be 'Australia's leading information resource for the legal professional' has a piece by David Hovenden. He praises NHJ for, amongst other things, outlining the 'persistent attempts to hand over control of the Australian mainstream media to the two big players, Packer and Murdoch.'

The NHJ team is encouraged, on a daily basis, by the enthusiasm of the participants on this site. From across Australia and the world, from all ages and backgrounds, and from many political stripes, there is genuine concern out there and a strong desire to join together and fight back.

Let's keep it positive...