Sunday 22nd of December 2024

Site Funding? (Jack Robertson)

Can you inform NHJ! site visitors of the funding arrangements for this website?


Thanks Jack. Damned fine query, if I do say so m'self. What an incredibly astute, sharp, sceptical fellow you are. Why, perhaps you should consider standing for public office! In my unbiased view, you'd make a wonderful, wonderful Prime Min--[OK, OK, put a sock in it, Jack, we can see that this is just a test of the 'Queries' site. Anyway, it was Harry Heidelberg's query, and the rest of us know it - NHJ! Team]

The NHJ! website has been designed and set up at Penguin Australia (and supersidiary Pearson Australia) expense, using in-house IT Human Resources. Sorry, I should say in-house IT people. (Never know when Don 'Say No To Weasel Words' Watson is sniffing about.) As far as the daily maintaining of the site, it's done by the NHJ! Team on a volunteer basis (see 'About This Site'). Beyond whatever extra book marketing function this site may end up contributing to the NHJ! project, there's no financial factor in play here. (I suppose in cold hard terms it's doubtless costing (not making) Penguin Australia dosh, but like this whole project, it's something Publisher Bob Sessions and Co firmly believe is worthwhile taking a crack at. Again, our thanks for such vision.)

So while from time to time we will no doubt point visitors towards or link to other democracy-defending public campaigns and/or groups that, in turn, may be funded by private donations, public grants, perhaps even by political parties and business far as THIS site goes, it's a Penguin Australia/Margo Kingston & Co 'labor of (democratic) leeerve' only.