Monday 6th of January 2025


budgie smugglers... penguin stranglers...

budgie smugglers...

Scientists say early predictions that Phillip Island would have a record number of penguin chicks this season, have proven tragically wrong.

Indications in October suggested more chicks would be born than ever before, significantly boosting the species' population.

But penguin biologist, Andre Chiaradia, says half of all hatchlings have died of starvation in recent weeks.

He says the local fish population moved offshore, forcing the adult birds to remain at sea for weeks at a time.

a jesuit and a bishop...

a jesuit and a bishop...

From the ABC

"But those who know me know that I would never attack Tony in front of Malcolm. I would reserve my vitriol for others."

She also said she was "saddened by these false allegations of disloyalty, given that I voted for Malcolm throughout the ballot process".

Mr Turnbull declined to comment when contacted last night.

Ms Bishop has now appeared beside three new Liberal leaders in just over a year, pledging loyalty to each in turn.

"People are calling her The Cockroach," one MP told ABC Online.

highwaymen .....

highwaymen .....

Glenn Dyer writes:

Greedy, greedy Westpac. The bank's move in increasing its standard variable home lending rate by 0.45%, almost double the Reserve Bank's rise of 0.25%, was nothing but a grubby grab for cash, dressed up with the usual banking bullsh-t about cost pressures.

a surge before packing up...

surge before packing

From the BBC

US President Barack Obama has ordered 30,000 more US troops to Afghanistan but warned America would begin to withdraw its military by 2011.

The new deployment over six months will bring America's troop strength in the country to more than 100,000, in the fight against Taliban militants.

Mr Obama also urged America's allies in Nato to send more troops.

Defending the war, he insisted there were no parallels with Vietnam and that world security was at stake.

follow the leader...

follow the leader

from the SMH

''God almighty,'' one of them wailed after the party had accidentally elevated the decidedly non-moderate Abbott as its new leader. ''What have we done?''

What they had done was go all squishy at the first hurdle, tripping up their champion, Big Joe Hockey, and eliminating him from the race.

stealing hope .....

stealing hope .....

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama, October 27, 2007

President Obama ordered top military leaders to begin carrying out his new strategy for the war in Afghanistan, a move that is believed to include the deployment of more than 30,000 additional troops into the 8-year-old conflict, the White House confirmed Monday.

countdown to oblivion .....

countdown to oblivion .....

from Crikey .....

Andrew Crook writes:

It was the day the Liberals and the ETS died in a head-on car crash befitting the spectacular fireworks of an ridiculous last week in Canberra. Christmas had clearly come early for hyperactive politicos who gathered around TV screens to watch the carnage unfold.

victory to the idiot elite...

fair in love and war...

Tony Abbott has addressed parliament for the first time as opposition leader - and declared he will now have to stop flirting with Acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Mr Abbott kicked off proceedings in the lower house today by stating "a little while ago I was elected leader of the federal parliamentary Liberal Party".


"aussie tony" & the value of invention .....

"aussie tony" & the value of invention ....

The pressure on Tony Blair is mounting. After only four days of the Chilcot inquiry, the former prime minister is reported to be furious that a succession of senior diplomats and civil servants have torn into his reputation by questioning his judgment and honesty over the decision to go to war with Iraq.

a true summary offence .....

a true summary offence .....

from Crikey .....

New law gives police the right to frisk anyone, anywhere

Greg Barns writes:

Do Victoria's police minister Bob Cameron and that state's police commissioner Simon Overland like policy to be evidence-based or are they more interested in political point-scoring and window-dressing?

a dolt from the blue .....

a dolt from the blue .....

Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

The inspiring news in a week of political strife and tumult is that Kevin Andrews stands ready to lead the Liberal Party and the nation to broad, sunlit uplands. His bold challenge to Malcolm Turnbull last Wednesday surely dispels at a stroke the unkind perception of a sneering few that the member for Menzies is a prissy, extravagantly barbered dolt with a political tin ear.

a broad church .....

a broad church .....

from Crikey .....

So how come an ETS was OK under John Howard? Ask the oldies .....

Canberra correspondent Bernard Keane writes:

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