Friday 7th of March 2025


laurie oakes is starting to realise the obvious...


Politicians don't come any more ferocious and brutal than Abbott. He reverted to the wild the moment he got his paws on the Liberal leadership.

His style is pure attack dog, as feral as you'd get.

Everything, irrespective of merit, has to be opposed and torn to pieces. The mining tax is a case in point. It is now glaringly obvious that the benefits of the mining boom should be shared around so that the overall economy benefits rather than just a small and privileged section. Opposition to the tax is shrinking.

PAK-MAN .....

PAK-MAN .....

Here we go again. Three more young soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Three more families plunged into bottomless grief.

Captain Bryce Duffy was 26. "We loved Bryce to the ends of the world and not a day will go by when he is not thought of,'' his people said in a written statement. Corporal Ashley Birt was just 22. Lance-Corporal Luke Gavin, 27, left behind a wife and three children, Joshua, 7, Holly, 5, and Olivia, just seven months. "I can't explain how we feel except that our hearts are broken,'' Mrs Gavin wrote.

back to climategate...

warming up

From Bente Lilja Bye

Believe in global warming?

defining freedom .....

occupy this .....

Until last week Occupy Oakland took up about as much space in the national consciousness as Occupy Tulsa.

But then, last Wednesday, the Oakland Police Department tried to end the occupation in a violent clash that lead to the injury of Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen. As a result, Occupy Oakland saw an explosion of bodies and attention unseen at any camp elsewhere in the world.

murder inc .....

murder inc .....

In early May this year, two Dutch men reported a murder to their local police station in the city of Tilburg.

"There is a murderer who has admitted the deed on television and who dumped the evidence at sea," one of the men apparently said.

The "murder" in question referred to the killing of Osama bin Laden by US Navy Seals. By all accounts the Dutch men's actions in going to the police were not at all tongue-in-cheek, but completely serious.

the thief...


Police across the state will be told this afternoon to stop issuing fines for minor traffic offences indefinitely  following the government's announcement it plans to slash compensation for officers injured in the line of duty.

The Police Association of NSW is planning to send a directive to all 16,000 members this afternoon encouraging them to launch "go slow" industrial action.

Police officers will be told to avoid work that collects revenue for the government.

Instead of giving tickets, they will give verbal warnings.

the most dangerous people in the world .....

the most dangerous people in the world .....

Results of a new poll commissioned by the European Commission show that Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan.

While the European Commission will release the full results of the poll on Monday, the International Herald Tribune reported that the 7,500 people polled living in the European Union (500 in each of the 15 E.U. member states) were presented with a list of 15 countries and asked if these countries present a threat to world peace. Shockingly, Israel was rated first.

poisoned ink....

murdoch and kev

A senior ALP faction leader branded Rupert Murdoch's News Limited "a threat to democracy" today as the feud between the newspaper group and the Government intensified.

Left faction convenor Doug Cameron's extraordinary outburst was sparked by a story in News Limited's Daily Telegraph reporting that former PM Kevin Rudd is being urged by his backers to challenge Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Senator Cameron said he would take a motion to Labor caucus seeking to widen the existing inquiry into the media to look specifically at News Limited's "absolute hatred" of Labor.

bad will...


THE FALLOUT from Unesco's decision [yesterday] to admit Palestine as a full member has been swift and dramatic. Out of 173 votes cast on the issue, 107 were for Palestine's inclusion, and only 14 were actively against it.

Unesco (the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) might seem an unimportant agency, given that its main duty is to preserve historical sites. But it was a symbolic victory for the Palestinian UN statehood bid, and it is deemed likely to have a domino effect. Here's how the world has reacted so far:

not so free sex...


"welcome to the land of the not-so-free sex" automated translation by google*

shared values .....

shared values .....

Dear 'Shooty',

I've just watched our Prime Minister talking about shared Commonwealth values in Perth. My mind turned at once to you and your solitary, late-night death in Villawood detention centre last week.

sing a song of sixpence .....

sing a song of sixpence .....

The decision by Qantas to ground its fleet will inflict lasting damage on its brand and see the airline lose customers, says a marketing expert

The move by Qantas CEO, Alan Joyce, to ground the Qantas fleet around the world, will cause significant damage to the brand, regardless of his motives for doing so.

Branding is all about perception, rather than some objective reality. And the key to branding is trust. This move has the potential to further erode trust in the "flying kangaroo" among its key audiences, including business travellers and the government.

inside, pissing out .....

inside, pissing out .....

In the hit Broadway musical How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying, a young window washer discovers a book that tells him the secrets to climbing the corporate ladder.

If such a book were to exist in Australia, it would be short, consisting of one sentence: ''Become the CEO of a company with monopoly power.''

Australia's top 10 biggest companies, by the value of their shares listed on the ASX, comprise four banks, three mining companies, a telecommunications company, a shopping centre owner and a grocery store.

the money changers lament .....

the money changers lament .....

A highly critical report into the moral standards of bankers has been suppressed by St Paul's Cathedral amid fears that it would inflame tensions over the Occupy London tent protest.

The report, based on a survey of 500 City workers who were asked whether they thought they were worth their lucrative salaries and bonuses, was due to be published last Thursday, the day that the Canon Chancellor of St Paul's, Giles Fraser, resigned in protest at the church's tough stance.

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