Friday 7th of March 2025


terminal .....

terminal .....

From a political perspective, all that matters in the Craig Thomson saga is whether the MP is eligible to remain in Parliament.

If Labor had a 10-seat majority, the Coalition would not be showing much interest at all in the case.

go mona .....

go mona .....

David Walsh hasn't just changed how the rest of the country sees Tasmania with his sex and death museum, he's altered the very mindset of the Apple Isle itself.

the law in his wrong hands...

law in the wrong hands

George Brandis would no doubt like to be attorney-general, the first law officer of Australia, in the next Coalition government.

Senator Brandis is a barrister and a senior counsel, although the latter appointment was the subject of harsh criticism given it was awarded to him six years after he gave up active practice at the Queensland Bar.

But Senator Brandis's conduct in the Craig Thomson affair provides cause for concern about what sort of attorney-general he would be if the opportunity arose. Senator Brandis has pursed the ALP backbencher Thomson with a vigour that is disturbing on a number of levels.

cap in hand...



International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde has implored the United States to bolster debt-ridden European countries.

the law is an arse...

strip for the law...
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Strip-Searches for Any Arrest


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband.

the end of the war on joints?...



Prime Minister Julia Gillard has rejected the idea of decriminalising narcotics, saying tough policing is necessary instead to prevent the devastating consequences of drug use.

But Ms Gillard's immediate rejection of calls for a rethink of drug laws is at odds with the views of her Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, and those of former police chief Mick Palmer.

Mr Carr called today for a "de facto decriminalisation" of some drugs, as a report declared Australia's "war on drugs" had failed.

peace to the earthians...



from an alien-fearing Gerard Henderson...

Imagine the media reaction if the atheist Julia Gillard or the Christian Tony Abbott raised the possibility, in a major address, of extraterrestrial life on one or more planets beyond Earth.

upon my soul .....

upon my soul .....

"Does God exist?" is a valid and relevant question. Here are my top reasons why the answer is a resounding, "No."

here's twupert .....

here's twupert .....

A tyrannical air is supplanted by an image of grumpy uncle.

poor fellow my country .....

poor fellow my country .....

It got a bit lost in the uproar over the Labor catastrophe in Queensland, but the truly alarming news from the banana republic this week is that Barnaby Joyce is on the hunt for a lower house seat.

on the golden fleece .....

on the golden fleece .....

Gillard wants to be seen as the leader who delivers the policy goods but the voters may have already switched off.

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