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Blogspretty hokey .....We all thought it would be so much better. Having dispatched John Howard, it seemed we were on the cusp of something fine. When I think back to those long, long months of campaigning in 2007 – when Labor took the fight right into Howard’s own backyard of Bennelong – a lot of us dreamed a different dream.
on hearts & minds .....February 4th marks the anniversary of a war America won — but doesn’t care to crow about. When the memory only produces shame and regret, you can understand why.
the slap .....How often have you heard someone suggest a magic solution to all our political problems? If only we had fixed four-year federal terms! Why don’t we ban politicians from breaking election promises? Let’s have conscience votes on everything! Increase politicians’ salaries! Cut politicians’ salaries!
there's something about cory .....
time's up .....Three immovable realities are leading Labor MPs to an unpalatable decision to restore their dumped leader.
all ears .....You wouldn't think that poker machines and ethanol have much in common. But the actions of the O'Farrell government in recent weeks have managed to tie them together quite neatly. The Minister for Hospitality, George Souris, quietly put through a regulation last month that did Clubs NSW a big favour.
anon hackersWASHINGTON — The international hackers group known as Anonymous turned the tables on the F.B.I. by listening in on a conference call last month between the bureau, Scotland Yard and other foreign police agencies about their joint investigation of the group and its allies.
picking winners .....It is no coincidence that each week brings news of another manufacturer forced to lay off staff, reduce their hours or shut up shop completely. Confronting a high Aussie dollar and an army of cheap labour overseas, it was the turn of Holden and the manufacturers of Mortein, Reckitt Benckiser, to announce job losses this week. Such events are invariably accompanied by calls for more industry assistance.
upside-down & arse-about .....Mr President,
the silence remains .....Washington's enemy is not "terrorism" but the principle of free speech and voices of conscience within its militarist state. This month's Supreme Court hearing in the Julian Assange case has profound meaning for the preservation of basic freedoms in western democracies.
political hairdos...
Just months ago, as he toyed publicly with announcing his own candidacy, Trump was bad-mouthing Romney. But that, he told reporters, was back before he had really got to know the Mormon millionaire.
and lunch...Mrs Rinehart's three oldest children, John Langley Hancock, Bianca Hope Rinehart and Hope Rinehart Welker, have started legal action to remove her as the trustee of the Hope Margaret Hancock trust, set up by their late grandfather Lang Hancock, alleging ''serious misconduct''.
Yahweh's cash...What Else Does the Bible Teach About Capitalism? Dollars to doughnuts. Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal published an opinion article by Rabbi Aryeh Spero titled “What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism,” which argued that Americans should laud Mitt Romney’s private equity career.
the negative of tony's positive...Anyone who had any thoughts that Abbott would "flick the switch to positive" found themselves to be much mistaken after yesterday's National Press Club speech. Abbott read out a speech he must have given at least 50 times by now. It contained nothing new. Nothing. Not a thing. Here's the thing - why can't the press gallery slaughter this chump? It's not like they can use the excuse that they didn't know what he was going to talk about. Nothing he said was new. Nothing. The same sound bites that he uses came out again and again.
in the florida swamps...If you go down to the Florida Everglades today, you're in for a big surprise: in the past 12 years, 90 per cent of the wild mammals which once roamed freely through the National Park have gone. Snakes are to blame, say scientists. Big ones. Specifically: an exponentially-growing population of Giant Burmese Pythons, which can grow up to 16 feet long and have a huge appetite. The creatures were first discovered in the park in 2000. They got there after being released into the wild by overwhelmed pet owners, and quickly established a breeding population.
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