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Blogsin defence of oxfam...One has to kill in the bud this idiotic rant (24 july 2014) by a conservative writer, Alan Daley, on an ultra conservative US website. These are people with no understanding of anything that does not have the word profit attached to it...: ------------------
spot the victim .....The continued use of “anti-Semitism” as a weapon against its critics - even to the extent of the recent invention of a “New anti-Semitism” - is essential for the survival of Zionism because it serves to deflect attention from the lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, war profiteering, blatant violations of international law, and barbaric crimes against humanity.
a legend in his own mind .....from politicoz …..
in need of nappies...The reforms proposed by the Abbott government are intended to make it easier for the peak spy agency, Asio, to monitor computers and computer networks. They also contain provisions which create a new offence punishable by five years in jail for “any person” who discloses information relating to “special intelligence operations”.
crazy joe .....from politicoz …..
eschatology or the end of time, relatively...I am mightily disturbed by the mixing of notions. John Hughes, the Dean of Jesus College in Cambridge, was suddenly killed, in a car accident that deprived his followers from promises of more religious enlightenment... For all we know, Hughes may have become an atheist in his old age... From the ABC religious and ethics department:
adults in-charge .....So, not satisfied with having financially emasculated the corporate ‘regulator’ ASIC, the Abbott government is now reportedly in favour of watering-down the Corporations Law & ASIC Act to relax accountability standards for directors.
whatever it takes .....One million dollars which was transferred from a Swiss bank account operated by former Labor powerbroker Graham Richardson was likely to have been Eddie Obeid’s share of the mysterious Offset Alpine deal, a new book reveals.
on transparency & openness .....The smell around the alleged criminal behavior of Reserve Bank of Australia subsidiaries & claims that members of the bank’s Board failed to meet their legal responsibilities after being made aware of the facts just gets stronger every day.
burning our marshmallows...Global warming is basically a macro-mechanical science of flux with statistical, observational calculations and applied technology. It is a simple science. Compared to the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, global warming should be as easy to understand as buttering a toast on the right side.
hypocrites hotel .....Terry Beath from South Melbourne reckons Peter Slipper has been dudded by his former "mates”. Did he fly from Western Australia to northern Queensland with his wife to look at a new property purchase?
policy neanderthals .....
Space Boat People"To work for the dole" The Abbott spake "you'll sail towards the stars. There's no job left for you on Earth, you'll have to go to Mars. The driftwood is shifted as soon as you're lifted, there'll be no sympathisers, for long it's been known that the bad seeds sown make brilliant colonisers." At a pub in Spaceport Woomera the Goverment insisted that the folks departing offworld on vodka got quite plastered For while their bodies travel stacked in cryogenic freezers the antifreeze of Vodka to the soul is just like Jesus. That pub had people drinking there from al across the world drinking toasts to say goodbye to anything they'd loved. "Last drinks!"the barman shouted as he banged upon a bell So we formed in lines and marched toward our Interplanetary Hell.
supermarket monsters .....from the Monthly
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