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Blogswhy the romans lost the empire...More than 100 days after the election the three Turnbull Government frontbenchers with responsibility for the Defence Department are yet to publicly confirm their precise ministerial powers — a stalemate which is causing angst among departmental officials and military companies.
eureka ...Forget recession. This country is suffering from depression, and I don’t mean the economic definition as much as the psychological one. There is a malaise afflicting the nation.
only one hand clapping ...While the mainstream media focuses on losers and winners in the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, a largely unreported debate is going on over the future course of U.S. diplomacy. Its outcome will have a profound effect on how Washington projects power - both diplomatic and military - in the coming decade.
now for dessert ...What does the prime minister stand for, and when will we find out about it?
Bingo, The Dingo Who Glows In The Dark (for Adelaide's No-Dump Rally This Saturday)Way up in the Flinders, where they store the toxic waste That's not the wind that's howling, that's Bingo in the Ranges
I know thieves who are more honest...
After weeks of their very public feud bubbling away and stealing much of the oxygen in the Senate, Attorney-General George Brandis QC and solicitor-general Justin Gleeson QC will both appear before a Senate inquiry today.
a plebiscite is not binding to parliament...Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will not say if he will allow a parliamentary vote on same-sex marriage after his plan for a plebiscite was blocked by the Opposition.
the mmmm is scared...The MMMMM (majority of the mediocre mass media de mierda) is scared — except the Murdoch media... What scares the media is that Le Donald could still win the Presidential elections in November, DESPITE acting like a goose and a fool, and being a goose and a fool — and despite the media panning him shitless.
same old, same old ...The JIT report into the downing of MH17 in the Ukraine is no more than a sorry charade of an investigation. The victims and their families surely deserve better, writes James O'Neill.
war in her veins in vain...
trickle down ...Australia now has its worst unemployment figures since 1942. Contrary to the
open all hours...In his glorification of Menzies, John Howard took us on a tour of a grocer shop, aka run by Ronnie Barker. Menzies was astute enough to know his limitations, during a time when shopkeepers were the soul of king and country, without much intellectual density. It went all down from there in the Liberal (conservative) party, apart from John Gorton who knew his socialism was going to get him in trouble in a party concentrating on selling noodles for glorious profit and voted himself out of being the shop-keeper.
grim news for penguins and the rest of the planet...
playing with the numbers ...On Friday 30 September, on the eve of two football finals, the start of school holidays and a long weekend that would concentrate the attention of a large portion of the Australian population, an event took place relevant to the standard of living of all Australians.
Zionist piracy ...
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