Friday 24th of January 2025


straya first...

straya first

Treasurer Scott Morrison has outlined an "Australia first" trade policy after US President Donald Trump signed an executive order to leave the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP) using similar language.

protected by ignorance ...

protected by ignorance ...

Unlike the Canadian Government, which reported the location, target and date of all airstrikes conducted in both Iraq and Syria, human rights lawyer Kellie Tranter received a chilling response to her F.O.I. request from the Australian Government.

the charade continues...


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has declared cyber security "the new frontier of warfare" and espionage, while announcing new measures to protect Australian democracy from foreign interference.

the truth melts like ice cream...

the truth

It’s not just the press – Sean Spicer also has a beef with Dippin’ Dots.

The new White House press secretary has been dishing out ice-cold insults against the tiny frozen balls of ice cream for years on Twitter.

gladys of mooney pond in willoughby has a brilliant solution...

housing crisis

She is a private woman who supports same-sex marriage, is compassionate towards the plight of refugees and helped sign off on the Government's signature infrastructure projects.

as soon as der spiegel mentions crimea, it loses credibility...


The new president feels absolutely no sentimentality when it comes to the alliances that arose out of the rubble of World War II. Like no other president before him, he is prepared to call them into question and even, apparently, to bring them to an end. Plus, Trump has no taboos. On the contrary: He loves to break them, he loves to provoke.´

he lied...

joyce lied...

Barnaby Joyce should be sacked for ditching a plan to return environmental flows to the Murray river, South Australia’s water minister has said.

the stench was spreading...

god in nsw...

"The policy of local government amalgamations has impacted 20 councils, 12 of which are in regional NSW causing uncertainty and anger, and others are locked in costly legal action - that all stops today," Mr Barilaro said.

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