Saturday 25th of January 2025


murdering liberty ...

at the end of the road ...

just another racket ...

just another racket ...

It is increasingly evident how pernicious the privatisation myth is. Two recent examples have underlined it: the failings in Australia’s privatised energy grid and the usurious pricing in airport car parks. Both examples demonstrated that it is folly to expect a public benefit to inevitably emerge from private profit seeking.  

nut country ...

nut country ...

Just consider the accusations that have been levelled at the President:

  • He has betrayed the Constitution, which he swore to uphold.

star truck...


beam me up...

If Australian UFO enthusiasts hope to retain government money, they may need more proof of terrestrial activity.

jobs 'n growth ...

jobs 'n grpwth ...

Despite overly optimistic, but what should be called laughable forecasts in the budget, wage growth in Australia is now the lowest it has been since the mid-1990s. And it’s not hard to see why.

some journals are stirring the possum... but donald will hang on till the bitter end, 2020... I could be wrong.


a penny for your pence...

Not since the release of the Access Hollywood tape, in which Donald Trump bragged about groping women by the genitals, have some conservatives thought so seriously, if a bit wistfully, about two words: President Pence.

piss-testing the poor ...

piss-testing the poor ...

A burning question arises from Budget 2017. What drugs are Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his team on? There can be no other rational explanation for the inclusion of a total clanger in an otherwise mediocre and generally anticipated bunch of policies. On Tuesday, 9 May, Treasurer Scott Morrison announced money for health, education, and farmers, more taxes, a hit to the banks and a kick for anti-vaxxers. And right at the end, a surreptitiously adopted populist measure to piss-test the poor.

a special counsel to oversee the allegation Russia interfered with the US prez elections will come up with a fat zero...


Besieged from all sides, the Trump administration appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller as a special counsel to oversee the federal investigation into allegations Russia and Donald Trump's campaign collaborated to influence the 2016 presidential election.

only in Amerika ...

only in Amerika ...

Where else in the world would people deliberately elect as their President a man who is an acknowledged racist, sexist, a sexual predator, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a conspiracy theorist, a bully, an imposter, con man and would-be dictator.

This of course raises the obvious question as to why then are people surprised when things go pear-shaped on a daily basis.

morrison is hoping that plundering YOUR pockets via the banks will make you hate them more than ever before...

gagging banks...

Australia's biggest banks say they have been forced to sign a confidentiality agreement before the Government provides executives with draft details of a new $6.2 billion tax.

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