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Blogsa real joke...
It's like the opening to a joke: a Jew and a Muslim go for a walk and discuss politics. But this is for real.
know them by what they do ...In writing this I will probably be accused of again drawing too much attention to Tony Abbott. That is in fact precisely what I’m doing, and with some satisfaction, I might add.
the whitewashed tragedy of history...A new American TV documentary series is rewriting the history of the Vietnam War, says John Pilger.
the days of reckoning...
in search of substance ...To finish my week’s theme on “commongoodism” I take you back to 2015 when the darling of the Murdoch journalists was suggesting that all you really needed to be successful in politics, was a degree of sorts.
why do governments lie? is it because the members are idiots, liars or simply not worth of being there? all three...One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts has admitted to signing a form which said he was a British citizen, but says he did so without reading the document.
a freeman story...
Morgan Freeman's latest publicly stunt permanently stained his legacy after the famous actor decided to join the fake news industry by passing off a blockbuster script as a true story.
the fall gal...There are times when I have a little doubt in the half-nuts that serves me as brains. Spoon-fed by clever Dick, dirty Wolfo and devious Rummy, Bush, Blair and Howard may not have had any knowledge that the intelligence they were getting on Saddam’s WMD’s was FAKE.
a reminder of gentler times...
our little aussie echo chamber... while trump prophetises hell to pay for those who don't like the USA...Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has said "further pressure" will be brought on North Korea through United Nations sanctions, effectively brushing aside Trump administration remarks that the UN route has been exhausted. Speaking from the UN General Assembly gathering in New York, Ms Bishop held fast to her long-standing view that sanctions can be effective and, combined with other forms of pressure, can still deter North Korea from its nuclear path. She said it could take "weeks or months" for the sanctions to make their full impact. Read more:
a hairy brazilian...
rome is on fire... bernardi plays the fiddle like nero... they laugh...NERO NEVER FIDDLED while Rome burned. It is a popular myth, but it’s simply not true — there were no fiddles back in Roman times. Nero is, however, reported to have sung a song about the sacking of Troy while watching as 70 per cent of Rome was swallowed by flames in a single blistering gulp.
xenophon betrays voters again, for a pack of gnomes beyond the black stump on the other side of bourke...Australia's media industry looks set for a major shake-up, after the Federal Government finally struck a deal to pass a suite of changes.
the bare earth theory...
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