Friday 31st of January 2025


makeovers ...

the worts deal ever ...



FICTION — The Source

wacko wisdom of the white house deepshitter...


President Donald Trump's administration has ended US space agency Nasa's monitoring system into greenhouse gases, a US journal has revealed.

still rowing furiously...

sciences vs beliefs and propaganda...

Hobart city recorded more than 100 millimetres of rain in a single day for the first time ever in May — doubling the previous record. 

that old yankee exceptionalism ...

that old yankee exceptionalism ...

The decision by US President Donald Trump to abandon the United States’ participation in the joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA) was widely anticipated on the strength of his repeated negative comments about the deal. He had also recently appointed John Bolton as his national security adviser and Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. Both of those men were known to hold strongly anti-Iran views.

replace abbott with turnbull and the cartoon still works...


While this budget does contain some evidence of forward thinking: there is a plan for building things, and for aged care – a disgracefully neglected area of public policy – and for income tax reform if you buy propositions on the never-never – at its core it’s more of the same.

For the Coalition, budgets – apart from the first atrocity in 2014, which was genuinely ideological, a wolf in wolf’s clothing – have all been about surviving until the next one. 

I'm not a racist, but...


The field of “Trump studies” is vast—but disappointingly homogenous.

the delayed memory syndrome of presidents...

beautiful lies

So … Donald Trump, who is a chronic liar, wants people to believe that he paid a six-figure sum to stop a porn star from making false accusations defamatory of his, um, character. Right.

christmas in july (may actually)...


They started calling the 2018 federal budget a pre-election budget weeks ago.

That hasn't been based on any inside information or actual leaks.

democracy can rot your mouth with cancer if you keep smoking the government and media rubbish...


To have been in ‘democratic’ Britain for the past eight weeks has been quite an educational experience.

the charm offensive...


Holy mackerels!

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