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Blogsa minister that invents facts and figures...Naomi Wolf has reignited her row with Australia’s energy minister, Angus Taylor, publishing a recording of a heated phone call with his office.
french malcontents...France is enduring severe disruption as millions of workers threaten to strike in protest at being forced to retire later or face reduced pensions.
at the gallery of commonality, multiplicity and solidarity...I don’t need the Turner Prize to remind me to make my bed… As the Turner Prize claims relevancy in this modern world, it simply means the modern world is either crooked, pissy or it stinks or both. And to tell the Gus-truth, does the art in Turner Prize represent anything else but the frustrations of annoying deluded artists trying to push old crap forward in squared-wheel new wheelbarrows? Is Gus blind?
the scumdungonians's "there is not a secret deal" means "there is a secret deal"...Labor and the Greens have accused crossbench senator Jacqui Lambie and the Government of having struck a secret deal to end the medevac laws that allow refugees to come to Australia for medical treatment.
brilliantly cartooning with a russophobic slanted quill... while the irony is hot...
at the epstein brothel...
the undemocratic deep state of america...What American constitutional government most urgently needs at present is for our Madisonian institutions—the presidency, the Congress, and the courts—to wrest back control of national security policy from an unelected and increasingly rogue national security establishment.
definitely unacceptable...Australia's foreign minister Marise Payne said on Monday said the treatment of an Australian writer detained in China was "unacceptable", and called for more details on his case in a move likely to increase tensions with the government in Beijing.
miracles performed daily by the devil, the conservative politicians and their friendly media outlets ...Mostly what Scott Morrison has adopted from Trump is the arrogance and utter refusal to concede error even in the face of overwhelming evidence
bad friendless legislations from a smart-arse legalisator...porter Is the CFMMEU the most unlawful organisation in the history of Australia's industrial laws, as Christian Porter says?
getting old... will the queen send herself a herogram on her 100th?One of Gadfly’s field agents reports that his stepmother had turned 100 and was anxiously awaiting a letter from Her Majesty to mark the occasion. Instead, through the post came a congratulatory letter from Michael McCormack, the deputy PM who is promoting carbon emissions as a way to contain bushfires.
the turkey was a fox in disguise....When the 1974 impeachment hearings turned south for former US president Richard Nixon, his aides blamed the media.
a gut feeling about why your social life stinks...Accumulating evidence suggests that the microbiota living in and on animals has important functions in the social architecture of those animals. Sherwin et al. review how the microbiota might facilitate neurodevelopment, help program social behaviors, and facilitate communication in various animal species, including humans. Understanding the complex relationship between microbiota and animal sociability may also identify avenues for treating social disorders in humans.
relentlessly pushing for CO2 reduction ASAP, we might bore you to death if we have to...Greenhouse gases driving climate change hit a record high last year and are showing no signs of slowing down, according to the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organisation.
an artful-dodger's victory by a landslide predicted by a predictable media...UK Prime Minister and Conservative party leader Boris Johnson presented the Tory manifesto on 24 November ahead of a snap general election in the country, outlining Brexit plans and making pledges on other issues troubling the country.
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