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Blogsdouble-speak in the times of forbidden double-entendre...Marise Payne had been Australia's Foreign Minister for just over two months in early November 2018.
when the weather influenced the course of history...
We know that the results of some historical events were greatly influenced by the weather of the day.
the future of work...
'duck!': the problem with Sydney's new ferries...Ten new Sydney ferries will not be able to pass under two bridges on the Parramatta River if commuters are seated on the top deck, the government has confirmed.
more than seven years in the making-ish...Advocates are welcoming substantial changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which they believe will make the system quicker and easier to navigate.
The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error...When something seems ‘the most obvious thing in the world’ it means that any attempt to understand the world has been given up.
the thin guy and the fat guy: chasing the windmills of democracy...In this illustration by Gustave Doré, we can see Don Quijote riding backwards on Sancho’s donkey while Sancho Panza (one guesses it means big belly) is doing the hard yards on foot while pulling the main nag in front…
Here, Gus’s twisted mind saw an allegory of gigantic modern proportions.
US presidential elections: russia vs china?...
charity starts there...charité The Kremlin has dismissed accusations that President Vladimir Putin sanctioned the poisoning of critic Alexei Navalny.
the end of democracy is nigh: no lickin'...Louisville: Don’t lick your fingers!
some are leaving the sinking ship... but is the ship unsinkable?...Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to US President Donald Trump, has announced that she is resigning from her post.
and don't mention the sheep...New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern has shut the nation’s borders, interred the few still allowed to enter and now postponed the election for a month – but it’s all okay because she’s the ‘right kind of leader’.
clowns and pimps...Don’t bother, they’re here, already performing in the center ring under the big top owned and operated by The Umbrella People.
breaking a pool-stick over putin's head...I don’t care what people think, I love political conventions. In an age of deconstructive irony and post-political wonks who think they can graph their way to a better tomorrow, the DNC and RNC are some of our last remaining throwbacks to good, old-fashioned, American electoral camp.
destroying the planet, a bit less in these covid-affected times...OAKLAND, CA, USA — JUNE 5, 2020 — Earth Overshoot Day 2020 lands on August 22, more than three weeks later than in 2019, according to Global Footprint Network. The date reflects the 9.3% reduction of humanity’s Ecological Footprint from January 1st to Earth Overshoot Day compared to the same period last year, which is a direct consequence of the coronavirus-induced lockdowns around the world. Decreases in wood harvest and CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are the major drivers behind the historic shift in the long-term growth of humanity’s Ecological Footprint.
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